Guys, pls keep it simple. the goal of tracking is to simply find correlations
So instead of trading 1000 times over the course of years, in order to figure out what works and what doesn't, data tracking simply allows u to do this without putting capital at risk.
Example, i wanted to master shortselling, so I collected EVERY single lowfloat runner i could get my hands on, every squeeze, every fade
Once they were categorized, I then looked for correlations. What did the CLEAN all day faders have in common? what did the choppy ones have? what did the squeezes have?
The clean faders fade around this time of day, trade around this much volume, their high of day happens around this time, they usually fail when "X" indicator does this or that, their fundamentals usually look like this etc
Now, is it tedious? boring? requires a MASSIVE time investment? u're damn fucking right. but what other choice do u have? what edge ever came without sacrifice? just put in the work or give up. end of story.