How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App overall IQ can actually buttfuck u in trading b/c: think the smartest people in the market see a piece of shit stock literally one foot away from getting delisted gap up 100% on crap news and think "yeah this is a great buy. Dear broker, fill me in at the very top please" ? do you think bad news seems to ALWAYS happen when the market is already in a heavy downtrend? or why good news seems to always happen when stocks are already uptrending? when they're short MASSIVE positions, they need u fuckers to panic sell so they can cover.'s why a lot of times, when a move goes directly in my favor without a pullback or bounce, you see me tweet/complain "fuck, I was only on starter size" or "fuck, I didn't get to add the rest" etc. I ALWAYS break up my orders & drop Mjolnir only when EVERYTHING lines up every 1 "pReDiCtiOn" that comes true there is another 5 that failed. So we can sit here & talk advanced fundamentals and stats all day long, trust me, I can go full nerd mode when it comes to that, and i have spreadsheets GALORE. But NONE of that matters when u trade momentum dont think "FiNe iLL jUst uSe a MeNtAl StoP tHeN". was my size calculated BEFORE the trade, in accordance with my risk management system? or did I randomly estimate what size to use? depends. if u're talking lowfloats then of course, i NEVER ever short a lowfloat stock without digging into its filings & fundamentals first. Too much edge there not to, plus it saves me from getting trapped on "agenda plays" like freedom price setups or planned offerings etc where to most ppl place their stops? around basic ass support/resistance levels & round numbers. That's why basic S/R levels actually fail WAY more than they hold. Ppl just have confirmation bias & only focus on the few times that they work, then say "sEe? iT rEjEcTeD hErE"