Found in Larkana Sindh In 1927-31:
Yamalarjuna episode steatite tablet:

They tried to show that the horse skeleton found (Surkotada) by AP Sharma, an Indian archeologist, was an ass (albeit a large ass)
Thus history remained hidden 20 yrs!

“The occurrence of true horse (Equus caballus L ) evidenced by the enamel pattern of the upper and lower cheek and teeth and by the size of and form of incisors and phalanges.“
Had Hungerian archaeologist, Sándor Bökönyi not been in New Delhi for a conference, even today we would be debating whether the domesticated horse was found in India at that time!
Luckily he was honest!
That’s the tragedy of this. 20 years went by while a generation of Indian children got taught the fake “Aryan Invasion theory”! Racist crap
Mahabharata became just a myth!