✅68,088 beds (75% available) in health facilities as of Jul 6
✅Only less than 1% of COVID cases are severe/critical
❎Unemployment spiked to 17.7% (Apr 2020) due to lockdowns
❎Deficit to GDP ratio projected to double to 8.4% in 2020 due to COVID spending
✅Overall manufacturing capacity utilization increased to 73.4% in May 2020
✅Average 6.6% GDP growth from 2016-2019
✅Revenue to GDP ratio at 16.1% as of 2019, the best since 1998
✅5.4% GDP spending for infra in 2019 despite budget delay
✅3% average inflation from 2016-2019
✅June 2020 inflation slowed to 2.5%
✅13% underemployment as of end-2019, lowest on record
✅Poverty incidence down to 16.7% as of 2018
✅BBB+ rating achieved last 2019, affirmed by S&P and Fitch on May 2020
✅A- rating from JCR achieved on Jun 11
✅$126.36-M COVID response projects from devt partners ongoing financing as of Jul 1
✅PH successfully offered $2.35-B double tranche 10-yr and 25-yr global bonds on Apr 27
✅PHP149.6-B remittances received from GOCCs as of Jul 3
✅PHP374.89-B in released allotments for govt COVID response
✅PHP51-B SBWS program to 3-M workers
✅PHP205-B SAP to more than 18-M families
✅SSS has released P76.2-M of PHP84.4-M approved unemployment benefits to 5,740 of 6,346 applicants under
✅GSIS to introduce PHP30k computer loan program
✅Landbank has approved PHP260-M worth of loan applications under ACADEME program
✅PH Guarantee Corp has accredited 22 banks for total facility of PHP37.5-B under credit guarantee program
✅722,022 persons availed of TESDA Online Livelihood Training programs from Mar 16-Jul 5
✅23 webinars with 7,192 participants under DOT Online Workshops as of Apr 2020
✅PHP14.2-M of PHP152.4-M approved loans under CARES program released to 183 of 1,994 borrowers as of Jul 6
✅Build Build Build restarted w/ health protocols
✅DICT providing online resources for business and workers under work from home
✅PHP2.46-B EU grant for Access to Sustainable Energy Program to support DOE's total electrification program
- Infuse more capital to govt financial institutions
- Allow banks to dispose of non-performing loans/assets
- CREATE bill
- Give banking system ability to support agri-enterprises whole value chain
✅Digital Education and Digital Workforce program to be launched, with the ICT Academy + Skills Window as components
✅137,098 classrooms built as of May 2020
✅1,906 school workshop buildings built as of May 2020
- 119,850 ICT equipment procured to be delivered to schools by end-2020
- 36,676 ICT equipment being procured
✅1,042,575 computers distributed in 44,155 public schools
✅20,359 school clinics to be built
✅156,850 handwashing stations to be built
✅3,861 schools to be provided with potable water
✅56,796 school toilets to be built
✅182 residential care facility projects completed as of May 2020
✅PHP7.1-B allocated for military/police infra projects
✅1,950 km of tourism roads completed
✅1,540 km of farm to market roads completed
✅437 km of road leading to industries completed
✅23,657 km of roads constructed/upgraded
✅4,959 bridges constructed/upgraded
✅8,941 completed flood mitigation projects
✅180 completed airport projects (124 ongoing)
✅1,900 km of railway network to be built (77km in operation, 6 ongoing railway projects)
✅183 completed port projects (37 ongoing)
✅164 completed social/tourism port projects (76 ongoing)
✅11 We Heal As One Centers built
✅PHP appreciates to 49.38 on Jul 6 despite COVID outbreak
✅$93.3-B in international reserves as of May 2020
✅External debt to GDP ratio at 21.4% as of Jan-Mar 2020
✅Digital payments being promoted
✅55 credit surety funds established benefitting 17,424 MSMEs
✅New Central Bank Act signed
✅RA 11256 to strengthen GIR signed
✅Islamic Banking Act signed
The virtual pressers will be on July 15 and July 22, leading up to the anticipated SONA slated on July 27.
A government that works for you. 👊🇵🇭
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