It’s 31yrs since Chinese tanks rolled over peaceful student protestors in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square However, this repression pales into insignificance to what’s happening 3000 miles away in the western province of Xinjiang
07/07/2020 - Nick Lowles
It’s time to take a stand for the Uyghurs.
With US Govt recently suggesting true figure being held might be as many as 3 million, between 10% & 30% of all Uyghurs being imprisoned by Chinese for simply being Muslim Uyghurs…
The inmates forced to lose their Muslim religion, learn Han Chinese, & commit themselves to total obedience to Chinese Communist Party &President Xi himself
Evidence that the authorities were harvesting the organs of thousands of Uyghurs was even presented to a UN human rights body last September.
International condemnation has, given enormity of the systematic abuse that’s been taking place, been surprisingly muted. UK was amongst 22 countries that last year wrote a letter to the UN’s Human Rights Committee to register their disapproval, but in response
Indifference and realpolitik might have led to depressing inaction amongst Governments, but it has only encouraged well-known European and North American companies to profit from the Uyghur oppression without scrutiny or fear of sanction.
Uyghurs persecution is probably the worst oppression of a minority that currently exists in the world. The scale of the internment & extent of surveillance & curtailment of freedoms is on a level that we’ve not seen since the Nazi persecution of the Jews.
In many ways the Uyghurs are the canaries in the cage. If we fail to address their persecution, then we will only embolden the Chinese
Nick Lowles CEO @hopenothate