(@transwidows can confirm)
Today @guardian does a puff piece on him. WHY?

Here he is, 3 years before completing his transition by Putting On A Dress, on "Science, Non-Science, and Nonsense" 🤪

This is not journalism, this is myth-making.
It presents soul-in-wrong-body belief as real fact:
1) Boy understands he is in wrong body
2) Mum understands too, & is horrified
In 1969!!

No example of anything traumatic is given.
But it's part of the myth-making.

"I think, therefore I am"
"I wear a flouncy skirt on my philosophy department profile, therefore I am a woman"

we witness the truth of Sheila Jeffrey's statement every day, in article after article in defense of privileged white men destroying women's rights by denying that the word "woman" has any meaning at all.
(being male also helps)
Is the @guardian seriously trying to get us to believe that the author of "The virtues of Thrasymachus" and other such considerations was "triggered" by Harry Potter? As an adult?

[Did we mention Chappell teaches feminist philosophy lol?]

I used to wear women's clothes in secret, then one day when I was 34, my wife caught me. I continued to be a closet transvestite until age 50, when it suddenly became brave & stunning and the @guardian joined the cause of making the cruel world believe we're women.

The father of four daughters says wearing "feminine" clothes gives him innocent childlike joy. Hmmm. 🥴
Sounds like almost a religious experience.
Or maybe an orgasmic one.

Do you think you can STOP bashing JK Rowling?
Do you think you can STOP with your articles presenting sexist stereotypes and anti-feminist fetish fantasies as the new liberation struggle?
Thank you!
#IStandWithJKR #IStandWithJKRowling
He fantasized about being a woman while reading Harry Potter to his children, as an "emerging trans woman" [i.e. closet transvestite].
From his pompously harrumphing "Open letter to JK Rowling":