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The @GraniteSchools Board meeting will start at 5. You can watch live on or follow the live Twitter thread here. [There will be a few typos.] If you don't want to follow along, mute me for a few hours. #uted #utpol
Still waiting for the livestream to start. 😷
[Karyn Winder just called the meeting to order. Terry called in for the meeting. The rest of the Board is there in person, socially distanced.]
[Terry needs to mute his phone.]
Beginning with interviews of 3 candidates for precinct 7 to replace Gayleen Gandy. Dawn Warner up first, in a few minutes. [And we wait again.] Now she is here.
[Dr. Bates says AC is cranked up to maximize air turnover.]
Question 1 - why did you apply? Driving reason? Asked to apply by people she hold dear to her heart. Wants precinct to be represented well. Connie A follow up - what do you think the job entails? Dawn - had called and asked. Attend board meetings, attend school performances, etc.
Be involved in the community. Wonderful as Region PTA director to see people and be able to put face to name.
Question 2 scenarios. Demographic shifts. Anticipating hard decisions about boundaries and closures. Answer - remembers debate about closing Granite High and Canyon Rim. People were angry when decision was made. People can be reasonable if they have information. Be reasonable.
Explain reason, you get greater support. Listen to constituents, then gove them information. That would require research.
Follow up from Nicole- we had this problem earlier this year. Give imformation and people were still angry. How would you handle? Thank for concern. Don't fuel fire. Calm people, validate their concerns and bring them forward. Most people can be reasonable.
Question 3 - after a vote, how would you handle an angry constituent sho didn feel like you listened? Similar answer. Validate concern. Respond with example - asked supervisor to pull numbers. Demonstrated Dawn was doing 69% of training. Justified ask for help.
Todd follow up - what would you do if someone threatened you or the district? She worries about that. Would go through proper district channels. If still not feeling safe, would go to the police. Biggest concern. Gayleen says she never felt threatened. Asks about PTA experience.
Dawn says she would never have been in PTA had she not been asked. Grateful to have been surrounded by great people who supported and believed in her. Has always been her experience. Started at Cyprus, because asked. Same as Region director - asked. Most frightening thing.
Someone was kind enough to warn her when someone was doing things she didn't see. Very grateful for that support and mentorship. Thanks board for service. Interview complete.
Superintendent report. Transitioning back to normal board meeting schedule on 4 August. 5 PM session, then dinner, and then regular session at 7 PM. Nicole asks about public comment? Ben says the Board never stopped accepting public comment. 2 requests today were not eligible.
Now we wait for next interview. Connie happy to announce that masks are required now, and constituents will be happy to hear that. Terry unmutes - says he can only hear Ben well.
Next candidate here - Chris. Why are you interested in serving? Why? Very interested in representation in this area. Big shoes to fill. Better perspective of why decisions are made in serving on board. If people don't understand, the rumor mill starts.
Wants things to go well. Community needs a voice. Good way to have a voice. Connie A asks follow up - what you think you have to do for this job? Answer-attend meetings, obviously. Talk to community, schools, teachers, principals, to understand needs & meet them. Representation.
Next question - scenario. Pop will stabilize at about 60% of max. Hard decisions coming about boundaries and closure. How do you approach? Hard decisions. Have best use of schools, facilities. Boundaries might need major shifts. Crazy growth where she lives.
Boundaries will change. Listen to community. Growth will happen. District doing a good job. Closures last year were hard. Students adapt really well. Good explanations of why... [technical difficulties- live meeting has paused.]
[Correction-broadcast has paused. Meeting probably still going on. I'm blind and deaf for the moment.]
[We are back. Hard to understand.]
Q3 - how do you handle constituents who are upset with vote and don't think you listened? Happened during reconfiguration. Explained why she voted a certain way. That de-escalated anger. Finding common ground important. Decision was just better for kids.
Connie A prompts a follow up Q from Karyn. Asks about PTA. Really unique, I treating place. Community has diversity. Good community, but a lot of "have nots." Recognized need. Hunger. Started a food pantry. Students volunteering. Heartbreaking. Amazing. There's a way to help.
Neat to see students weekly. Thanks for opportunity. Appreciates board members and teachers at school.
[Dismissed. Ben cleaning.]
Next candidate here. Q1 - why did you apply? Wants to make a difference. Lived in the south. There, a good education was for the privileged. Everyone else went to public school. Shouldn't matter where students attend school. Someone expressed concern about children here.
Not a problem when you are involved in schools. Public schools the best solution for students. Teachers are the future of community and state.
Board needs to be co sistent with bylaws and regulations and contribute to that. Schools an important trust for community.
Follow up - job description? Policy decisions, ir conditioning, adequate staff, cleaning supplies, etc.
Q2 scenario population shifts. Weigh out condition of school, look at the whole. What schools to close? Maintain? Make decision. Not easy. Parents concerned. Sony throw $ into school that won't be vibrant in a few years. Be responsible with tax $.
Q3 how would you handle an angry constituent? Discusses how polarized things are. Someone ditched class reunion this year because felt threatened on social media for ideas and ideology. If you study it out and do eveything you can to ensure that is best decision, ...
Have to vote with heart. Apply principles and values we have to do what's right. There will always be someone who doesn't like what you do or what you say. Gayleen acknowledges this candidate is her neighbor. Asks about Magna community. How would he get to know them?
Will be involved with community council and talk to administration to find out needs. See everyone succeeds and has ooportunity for growth. Karyn asks about community involvement. Very involved in church. Small % of people that actually get involved and do something.
Seize upon opportunity, apply self, do very best. That's what he likes to see in the community. [This candidate is Darryl.]
[Board taking a 25 minute break to discuss candidates. Broadcast paused. I need to step into another meeting, but I'll pick this back up here when I get done - there may be a bit of a delay. @GEA_Utah or @Utah_teacher can you pick up the live tweets until I get back?] ...
[Heard back from @Utah_teacher - he will pick up live tweets when the meeting starts back up. I'll catch up and complete this thread when I can get back to the meeting.]
[Also, they said 15 minute break, not 25. Yay for typing with my thumbs.]
[I caught the last bit but will have to catch up on the thread tomorrow. 5 hours later, it is done. Check back for the rest of the thread.]
[Back to finish the thread. Video segment 2 is 1 hour and 18 minutes. Here we go.]
Action item - filling vacancy in precinct 7 for remainder of Gayleen Gandy's term through 2022: Connie B moved to appoint Kris Nguyen, 2nd by Gayleen Gandy. Gayleen comments not an easy decision and could not go wrong with and of the candidates. Karyn agrees. Vote 6 to 1. [Todd]
She will be sworn in on 4 August at next board meeting.
Next information item - demographic study. Parts of community growing, others aging. Projections to make good decisions over 5-10 years. Outside group study to validate district numbers.
Main focus of discussion is 5 year enrollment forecast. Not discussing boundaries or facilities.
Based on 2019 numbers, where students LIVE, not where they attend school. Hr as Duarte 12th graders and move up the rest. 3 factors - future K class, new housing, mobility (families moving in & out - 3 year average; most important factor). Image
Study areas used for forecasting... Image
Births show decline over time. 5 year gap between births and showing up at school. Over 19k in 2005 to about 17k over past 3 years. Image
Capture rate - how many show up in schools? [Including from out of district.] 27.1% capture in 2011 has dropped to just under 26% over past 3 years. 2 negatives - smaller pool of Kindergartners, and smaller capture of Kindergartners. Image
Mobility rate used to estimate future student retention patterns between grade levels. 1 to 1 means keeping students. Green is gaining students. Pink is losing students. Looked at small attendance areas. Image
100% retention between K and 1st grade. Otherwise normally lose 1 - 2% between each grade level. Students move out, but not in. Increase between grade 8 and 9 is typically due to students entering GSD from private and/or charters. HS decrease also normal. Image
Good amount of development in district. Over 100 projects. Mapped type and phase to project when students would enroll. Image
Applied student yield factor, how many students for each type of unit. 1200 new residences each year over next 5 years. Will increase 1,600 over next 5 years. Still will not regenerate all students lost from natural decline though. Image
Projecting a decline of more than 2,000 students over next 5 years after adding all the numbers together. Declining enrollment, mobility, and development. Slight decline each year to about 59,000 students in 5 years. Image
District will continue to consult. Will present potential boundary and facility adjustments in 2021. Image
Discussion: Connie B - district wide? Yes, but with details by network. Nicole - in line with National trends? Yes. Seeing negative growth. Births not replacing current populations. Consistent. [Pockets of growth.] Normal in maturing suburban area. Is the enrollment flattening?
Variance in the district as well. Magna different than West Valley, different than Taylorsville. Why data is by elementary district. Bates - we were not built out on the 90s. Still building new neighborhoods. They will stabilize later. Hard to say where big number will end.
Question on where buildings are. Probably in the wrong locations...
Connie A why waiting? Census coming out next year. Data should be released March 2021. Accidentally times or just right. Connie A - this I'd a smart way to handle it, especially using national Davis Demographics to complete study to confirm or challenge district beliefs abt area.
Karyn appreciates unbiased reporting from outside consultant. We know our areas really well. Looking at data itself very helpful. Not all new developments generate kiddos.
Next on agenda - info item on 4th quarter student grade results. Presentation by Rick Anthony.
4th quarter was distance learning. Worried about what a shock to the system would be. Reminder of rule set, and hybrid between PBG and traditional grading. Went with A, P, or I for final grades in secondary. P or I on elememtary. [13 slide presentation] Image
Looked at high school percentage of F and I grades for students. 36% of Granite students on free or reduced lunch status. 28% mathematically earned an F. 15% of students who had an F were assigned a passing grade anyway in 2020, as an act of mercy. Only 13% received an F, now I. Image
Asked about disaggegation by Seniors? Facing graduation or not? [Does not have data. Could mine it.]
Data broken out by high school. Image
Junior high results. Image
Broken out by junior high... Image
Elementary schools. Mich lower tha secondary. Image
Each elementary (multiple slides). ImageImageImageImage
Chromebook data an Equity solution in terms of a device. Connectivity still a challenge. Tracked using filtering software. Issues 35k chromebooks. Connie A asks if we got them back? Answer no. Doesn't mean we won't. [Oh boy.] Image
Nicole asks if tracked users? Yes. Could be multiple users on same chromebook.
Correlates Fs to free and reduced lunch. Shows regression and equity issues inherent in distance learning. Image
Just high school numbers. Would probably reflect the same in elementary levels. Karyn says from her kids experience it was hard to keep them engaged online completing their work. Asks if we have looked at data to see engagement level of students? Was hoping to see paeticipation.
Connie A also interested to see how many students never engaged at all. Karyn concerned and wants to know how many students were reached and how many participated. Nicole says hard to guage because some students took paper packets, used different systems, etc.
Bates says district has systems in place for Fall to track teacher outreach. Rick says, as a former teacher, Fs are usually students who didn't do anything, and didn't engage. Nicole says depends on teacher and kid. Rick agrees.
John says each school tracked outreach data independently with their own internal system. Referencing home visits again, etc. Bates says not a lot of outreach for 2 week dismissal because folks thought would be back. When we didn't go back, people woke up. Connie A says helpful.
Next item - action item on return to school plan. Karyn says this is what most people listening in on are most interested in. Every district has to create a reopening plan assurances document for USBE. Many emails on all sides. Presentation will address questions. Discuss after.
John: state does not approve plan, board does. Image
12 page document template. Will go online once approved. [Tomorrow.] Image
3 scenarios for return, state requirements, mitigation tactics... Providing similar template to principals to fill out for the school level.
Timeline for school plans - complete by 1 August and post to school website by 5 August. Train staff between 17-24 August before students return. Image
Information for principals provided for every plan with input from every district division. Bates - personally spoke with state superintendent. What will next version of phased guidance look like? Some pieces will co tune to change. Will be nimble & adjust. Schools too. Image
Specific things to consider from the state. There are more specifics in the school plans. Many questions Bates and Board members have received to be addressed in school plans. References letter of concern from @GEA_Utah. GEA posted online. Looking forward to committee to address. Image
Refers again to characteristics to consider identified by Leavitt group. Bates says that group has studies areas that continued or returned to school. John says we can't remove all risk, but can mitigate. Image
Overview slide Image
Movement easier to direct in elementary than secondary schools. Auditorium example. Same with lunch. Older students usually get less direction. Due to pandemic, we may need to give more direction abt how to enter and exit cafeteria, foot traffic, etc. Image
Duration - more time together = more risk. Can't limit that, so consider other characteristics. Someone mentioned extending transition times. But temptation to socialize... Image
Proximity - respiratory droplets tend not to travel more than 6 feet. Hard to do in a classroom. There may be ways to increase spacing. Markings on floor in businesses. Image
Group size - athletics and activities? Assemblies? Restrict crowd? Spread them out? Larger group means greater risk. Smaller group means lower risk. [Todd struggling to interpret slide.] John - a factor to consider. Image
[General discussion - not a good chart.] Bates - principal, leadership team, community will have to decide how to mitigate, considering size and space. [Sound quality just got awful.]
Respiratory output - heavier breathing increases output. [They take a break to address sound quality issues. I'll come back with segment 3 in a bit.] Image
[Back for segment 3 - this one 2 hours and 21 minutes. Will try to finish tonight.]
[Resolved issues with sound system. Backed up a few slides to review in case anyone at home missed due to glitches. I won't bore you with the repeat.]
May want choir class in auditorium to mitigate risk of respiratory output. Schools know the building, so they will make the plan.
Number 1 risk is droplets. Number 2 is touch. Minimize what students touch. Prop doors open. Have students help clean. Fewer manipulatives. Image
More congestion is more risk. Recommending multiple entry points. Staggered timing. Etc. Cafeterias. School entrances. Image
Consider all factors to mitigate risk. Image
Face coverings best mitigator. Social distancing impossible in most Utah classes. Will require and provide masks for staff. Governor's office requiring for students as well. Image
Grateful for direction. Discussing how to implement. Same as dress code. Can provide a mask for students who forget theirs, like dress code shirts.
Extra cleaning, hygiene, etc. Co comprehensive and attached to plan. Have procured itams that will help with disinfecting and cleaning. Masks should be here by late July. Will drop ship directly from warehouse to schools. Image
Attendance plans all require component of distance learning. All present challenges. Sometimes to students, to teachers, to parents. Plan to hold school using regular schedule. Only using dismissal or modified schedule if recommended by health department or directed by Governor.
Dr. Bates - state contracts with district for education. Expects instruction to be provided to students daily. Even with modified schedule, kids attend MW but are still taught online TThF. Greater burden on teachers. John - regular sched, not sure how many parents will choose DL.
Plan to provide more DL PD training, resources and tools. Not sure how to address equity issue of access for all students. Image
Discussing planning time differences between secondary and elementary. Already widely varies. Elementary teachers get approximately 2 hours/week. Secondary teachers get about 50-90 minutes/day. Varies site to site. Every elementary teacher teaches 11 subjects. Secondary 2-3.
Plan to determine how many elementary students will be attending or participating online. Possibility to reassign teachers to be lost one or the other. [By quarter.] Face to face teachers would still need to be able to transition in case of dismissal. Image
Teachers still need to plan together. Teachers also cannot take time off become one teachers has 90 students.
Parents would need to declare whether students would attend online or in person BY QUARTER. Exceptions case by case. Parents would need to commit so we van build plans. Prepared to develop committee to determine teacher assignments based on criteria to be developed. Image
Would need to track data. Teachers expected to work from school. Supports conversations before and after school, parent meetings, etc.
Dr. Bates - be absolutely clear. Majority of emails about teachers being asked to teach online and in person at the same time. Intent for elementary teachers to teach one or the other. Not both. Collaboration still required to figure out how to make this work.
Small schools may have to combine resources. Challenges with language programs, Gifted, etc.

Secondary expected to do both because more planning time already, and maximizing flexibility for students.

Cannot make same accommodation as elementary in secondary. Singletons.
Nicole says it could be possible to group one section of 8th grade math in a school... Would have to be done at school level. John says it screws up the master schedule and is impossible. Nicole agrees doesn't resolve singleton classes.
John says we are lucky if 70% of students get the classes they want in building a mater schedule. Counselors have to hand schedule the rest of students. Class size balance is another important consideration. One period may be 24, and another might be 40. Same subject.
Licensure another issue. Trying to provide Flexibility for parents and students.
Dr. Bates again refers to questions raised by emails and GEA. Asks Don to talk about cleaning schedules and supplies, providers, what is being asked of teachers... Don says working on purchasing since February. PPE, cleaning materials, disinfectants, etc. Starting to show up now.
Have liquid and aerosol disinfectants. Will issue to each class. Custodial closet will be stocked with refills. 60 microfiber towels per classroom. Hospital disinfectant solution. Team has researched effective products, safe around students, etc. Have to be both.
Secondary with class change, elementary during transition, students will be trusted to clean up area. Manipulatives, chairs, etc. Kids will.clean their own areas. Karyn - where is the lifetime supply of Clorox wipes? Don -.not able to buy. Use spray bottles and microfiber towels.
Doubled custodial budget. Switched from roll towels to paper. 60 towels per class. Use 30 each day, rotate and watch. Inspecting custodial practices and cleanliness. Reaching when inspections failed. Need teachers and students to help. Karyn says students clean every transition.
Karyn asks if teachers are supposed to use supply budget for cleaning supplies? Showing up in emails. NOT expected. Connie B asks about plastic masks. Don - terminology face covering. Some teachers need something other than a mask. Face shields for K-3 teachers, etc.
Schools can order other things as needed. Work with administration. Fave shields have to be shaped a certain way to be effective. Gayleen asks about class sets of manipulatives. How to get a set for each student? [Elementary.] John suggests Trustland funds, working w/ principal.
No specific budget for that. Case specific as plans developed. Curriculum also advising on that, with many internal pivots to aid classroom teachers with extra allocations.
Nicole asks about TSSA $ - Teachers concerned this will take a lot more time. If child stays 8n the same place, do they still need to clean at each transition? Don says Yes, as best practice. Were told to do it every hour. Transitions a reasonable compromise.
Karyn asks what we are expecting teachers to clean? How does it affect instruction time? Does come out of teaching time. Teachers need to police cleaning high touch points.
Connie asks about N95 mask qualification? Put off to HR portion. More facilities questions. Dr. Bates asks about tables. Don says they have surveyed and know how many tables there are in classrooms. Researching effectiveness of plexiglass dividers. Haven't found great research.
Have found vendors, when needed. Purposeful requisitions. But another surface to be cleaned. De. Bates asks about ventilation and circulation. Don says buildings exchange air about 3x each hour. Important to interject as much outside air as possible. Reducing recirculation.
Will be energy hogs this year. Will be putting in hospital grade filtration. Counting and ordering. Catch virus size particulate matter. Will stress older school systems, but right thing to do. Older schools might see slight temperature increase as a small sacrifice.
Todd asks about air returns. Some students will get more of the bad air in the room? Don says no. Not what experts are saying. Todd says it must be the problem. Don says we see following best practices.
Nicole asks where public could read this enhanced hygiene plan? Don and Ben will put a public version together as part of communication plan.
Ben wants a discussion of Relos. They have their own system. They have windows that can be opened. No sinks. A lot of hand sanitizer. Wash basins schools can supply like at outdoor events. But hand sanitizer provided for all classrooms. Who refills? Teacher contacts custodian.
Todd wants to discuss best practices. Asks if plan is in compliant with CDC recommendations? Social distancing? Don says distancing OR face mask. Todd says face masks are NOT a substitute for social distancing. Wants to be voice for those who think this plan is premature.
6 foot social distancing not required by state, because not possible. Cannot guarantee 3 foot radius in large class of 30-40. Cannot guarantee social distancing, so substituting different mitigation. [Still Todd.] Only asking for maximized distancing, but not minimum requirement.
John offers again, there will be some times distancing is possible... Todd stating again, we are not using social distancing because it just isn't logistically possible. Some believe this means we are not health focused or civic minded and should adopt a different plan.
Wellness should be paramount to what we would like to do or want to so. Shouldn't be superceded by desire to recognize as many students as possible in limited space. That plan createsissues, but so does this one. For people who are concerned we are not following best practice...
That should be a consideration. Karyn says a lot of emails on all sides of that issue. Gayleen has been mulling that issue. Seems to her there are two primary concerns: distancing, and concern that teachers cannot teach both modalities at the same time. Gayleen says must choose.
Either bring in all the kids, or require teachers to teach in both modalities at the same time. Todd says choice not required. Another neighboring districting is going online. Urges adoption of health focused plan. Cannot go down in history as district that clusters students.
Health focused, civic minded should be number 1 priority and should trump desire for normal. Karyn appreciates Todd's concern, but tables, turns to Dr. Bates to transition to HR questions. Everything depends.
Dr. Bates speaks regularly with Executive director of county health department. Spoke the other day. Have developed a protocol for any time there is a positive test. Health department job. Liaison. Similar system in district. Quick connection for tracing. They make rec, we follow
Coach tested positive, but had been distanced from team. Coach sequestered. Team not. Donnette now. Contact tracing when exposed, not just positive. Determines contacts and cleaning. Guidance out since April. Additional guidance on employee leave came out a month ago.
If exposed, symptomatic, can use sick leave. Not all employee groups have some leave. Short/long-term disability an optional purchase, etc. Form for high risk teachers. Some teachers taking a year leave of absence because they or family are at risk. High risk individuals directed
To contact Berkley King, benefits manager. Also ADA coordinator. Will incorporate into form for doctors to complete. Then can discuss additional PPE options [this discussion happens at 1 hour, 11 minutes in the 3rd video of the evening if you need/want to watch it yourself.]
[Another hour to go...I'll have to finish tomorrow.]
[I'm back at it. Here goes the final stretch...]
If situation warrants and teachers request, we have face shields, gloves, etc. If a secretary, maybe plexiglass. High risk not the same as ADA. Will meet with high risk individuals and determine individualized plan. Now questions.
Connie A - how will thermometers be used in school? Dr. Nates interrupts. New guidance from CDC - check for signs and symptoms for staff and employees. Don says we have enough thermometers for 1 to every 75 students or every other classroom. Nurses working on symptom checklists.
Symptoms present differently in different age groups. Bates says will work with nurses and health department... Connie A asks about tables and plexiglass - have to go to principal to ask for it? Pay for it? Bates says that's face shields. Looking at secretaries again.
Connie A teachers that want plexiglass around every desk or on tables can go to principal to work it out? Yes. Nicole asks about quarantine leave? Donnette says depends. Emergency federal leave can be used for two weeks once. Otherwise sick leave. Sick leave while waiting for ...
Test results, or while sick. Back to contract tracing - doesn't happen only within 8 am and 5 PM. Happens at all hours. Cecily and Donnette working to talk to health folks more on weekend than own family. Serious, timely, middle of the night thing. Won't wait to call.
Gayleen asks if there will be guidance if someone in a student household tests positive. Health department will tell family. Connie asks about substitutes. Teachers afraid there will not be subs to cover class if they go home sick. Shares experience from daughter last year...
Donnette acknowledges struggle with sins for the past 5 years. 700 subs. Many decided to terminate because of risk. 80 are high risk but staying on. Open to hire all summer and got some, but will be a problem. Connie A also asks about permanent subs...any chance of permanent sub?
Donnette says normally have 5 permanent subs in elementary to cover maternity, etc. Dr. Bates says Title 1 schools often have these as well. Connie A asks if TSSA and LandTrust could be used? Yes. Bates discusses other pools of subs - district office personnel. Bates might sub.
Connie A wants to see Dr. Bates sub on Kindergarten. Martin is terrified of Kindergarten, but would love to sub in Junior High. Dr. Bates points out has not addressed every point if GEA letter. Looking to committee for the rest.
Connie A asks if that will look at workload for secondary teachers - high priority for her. Bates says yes.
Gayleen goes back to business - need to approve plan to go back to USBE. Spent a lot of time on regular back to school scenario. Haven't spent much time on modified schedule scenario. Understands things can change, Governor van require dismissal...prepared to do that. Why not
Considering options. to stay online? Dr. Bates says we have tools curriculum department has almost completed that will make product for teachers to use and parents and students to access. Dismissal status would go better in the Fall. 2 challenges. 4k teachers won't be in same
place. 2nd challenge is equity piece. 60% of students live in poverty and may not have internet at home. Won't be able to engage. Gayleen asks if this is the same as avoiding snow days to provide safe place for children? Bates says a lot of parallels. Gayleen sees consensus that
People are not comfortable going back to school the way it has been done in the past. Gayleen says it won't be the same. She has high confidence in district leadership and staff. This plan gives choice and flexibility. Has struggled. No matter what, people will be upset.
Gayleen impressed by detailed efforts of administrators to make it possible. Could say it's impossible, of can do everything possible to make it work. Connie A points out we have no idea who many students are coming back or planning to work online. Important number. Parents are
Concerned and may choose online that will affect class size. Concerned in not knowing sizes. Connie A described COVID as an ugly monster and we don't numbers in a month from now. May get other direction from Governor or Health Department. Things will change anyway. Good to have
Different plans. Also referenced news segments. Pediatrician was walked what the Greatest thing we could to would be? Get rid of COVID. Wear masks, social distancing, etc to get rid of COVID. We can do what we can do in schools, but communities need to help fix this faster.
Bates goes back to different models. DL, everyone is just online. Rotating schedule everyone is doing both online and in person. Full return, elementary is teaching either or/and secondary is doing both (or mixed based on needs of school - a shift?)
Ga6leen clarifying - our plan is to go back and that's what we are sending to USBE. But we have the other two plans. John says we don't need all three plans, but we have all three. Karyn - we want to start this way but we can shift to these as needed. Connie B glad to have the 3.
Connie B also glad parents have choice. Recognizes value of face to face and options. to provide supervision in students. Did not talk about when decision has to be made by parents... John says we need numbers, so parents will have until the end of the month to decide.
Connie B grateful for work done and happy to help. Terry asked for input over the phone. He thanks everyone for comments and work. Parents, teachers - thanks for all the emails. Hasn't been able to respond to all. Not living in a perfect world. CDC question- recommendations only?
Bated says yes. Terry asks if Board of Health making recommendations? Bates says yes. Tarry asks what Board of Health is saying about public schools... Bates says health department sent CDC flowchart checklist. Says we meet criteria of checklist for opening.
Terry then asks if, in following CDC recommendations provided by the board of health, does that mean the Board of Health supports opening up the schools? Bates says that is consistent with his personal conversation with the executive director of the Salt Lake County health dept.
Terry then thanks staff for their wonderful job in board meeting with sincere effort to protect teachers, staff, and families throughout district. Some will be happy and some will not, but board has to make a decision. The staff has studied this subject in depth.
Nicole - mask enforcement? Are we turning away a student that refuses to wear a mask? John says we will try to troubleshoot the problem wherever we might be. Father recently called and said he would send child without mask regardless. John says we will try & resolve for safety of
Others. Not about individual rights other jave rights to. This is for the good of others. We will all need to wear masks. Nicole summarizes - work on cases by case. Concern for teachers now having to police masks. It's a lot to pile on. Can you speak to why Salt Lake doing a
Modified schedule and we are not? Bates addresses. Under direction of city, child will be in school 1 days each week. Most students will be in class 2 days each week. Operating under direction of city. Nicole - assuming because city is orange? Bates says curious because color
System does not apply to schools. It applies to businesses and the economy. Expects Governor to clarify that over the next couple of days. Intuitive connection, it confusing because of messages from state superintendent. Nicole - patrons and teachers upset because confusing.
Wants it in writing from state superintendent. Bates says clarification is forthcoming [presumably from the Governor]. Still arguing about specific language requiring masks since announced for schools. Nicole - why arent we considered a business or asked to follow guidelines?
Why not following g recommendations for other things? Bates says this is direction we have received from state, but does not have it in writing. Nicole wants it in writing so we all have a clear understanding. John - were basing it on colors originally, but new direction 22 June.
Page 1 - training students and caregivers? How are we reaching out to daycares? Very little communication. Some principals hard to work with. How are we communicating. Assigning nurses to schools and locations, including daycare. Nurses the liaison with daycares and tracing.
Bates says we coordinate with daycare all the time for picking up and dropping off students for parents. Says nurses the contact person for employees too. Nicole - They need to be aware and have more open line of communication with caregivers.
Nicome goes back to teacher workload, secondary. Clarifies - secondary will have as much flexibility as possible. Bates agrees. Refers back to planning, and singletons. There are a lot. Doing both is doubling preps. Not another person in building that teaches what she teaches.
Maybe Fridays for planning? Give up PLC time? John says will look for ideas to give more time, but some teachers enjoy PLCs. Looking for other pockets of time, but don't have all the answers. Have to ask yourself, if you decide to give up Friday a greater burden on caregivers.
Forces a family to provide daycare for kids. Nicole suggests maybe only Fridays off for secondary? Leave Elementary 5 days/week? Really is difficult. 12 hours a day is difficult. John suggests teachers strategize in their teams. Singletons could maybe team up with another school.
[Techinal difficulty again, program reset and sidebar discussions. Karyn taking with Dr. Bates about her plan to wrap up the meeting. Bates mentions recommendation of CDC for social distancing recieved that day. Karyn references communications with GEA director Starr. & Muted.]
Nicole wants clarified guidance fro. Governor in writing, linked so patrons can review. Wants to talk about, for clarity, FTE. 27.25 students = 1 teacher. Why can't we just hire more teachers? Given a budget and have legal responsibility to stay within that budget. We just can't.
If teachers were willing to give up their raises, that might be an option. Have to think about what we can do and how we can operate, but hard to understand unless you have built master schedule. Would love to hire unlimited teachers if we had an unlimited budget, but we don't.
Teachers also disappointed not to have been surveyed. Intent was not to leave teachers out. Was to get a sense of how many students would be in classrooms. Turns it back over to Karyn. Can kids bring water bottles? Water fountains? How to fill up? Don says still working.
Water bottle filler stations will still work. Schools without, still working in. Bates says all schools will allow water bottles. Karyn refers back to template next. Categories ask how to mitigate risk. Understands that mean kids expected to be in school. Working through to
Show how and give assurance of meeting the risk. State recognized st rhe beginning that 6 feet but feasible in most Utah classrooms. That is in writing from the state. Another concern with modified and online schedule is equity due to digital divide. Some areas with more poverty
Really concerned that digital divide will become deeper and harder to catch up on the opposite end, so really concerned. Need to consider equity issues there. Knows admin working tirelessly. Trying to mitigate risks. COVID doesn't play nice. Wouldn't expect this a year ago.
Can't keep everyone happy but need to vote. Hope that as vote, people understand difficulty of decision. Starr from GEA want to thank for listening to concern and looks forward to working with committee Martin referenced. GEA has done a great job communicating concerns. Emails
Have been rad, even if they haven't all been responded to. Thanks to GEA for representing teachers. Some feedback that board doesn't appreciate teachers...Karyn says they love teachers and appreciate their work.
[*read, not rad* in previous tweet.]
Gayleen - moves to approve reopening plan according to USBE assurances. Seconded by Connie B. Todd requests modification of motion to adopt CDC recommendations to wear a mask and stay 6 feet apart. Nicole asks if that if that is possible. Karyn says Starr said it isn't possible.
Todd says it is possible with a modified schedule or online. Todd says whatever we do, we should acknowledge we are in context that requires modified schedule now. No 2nd. Modification fails. Back to original motion. Nicole asks if this motion still allows flexibility to decide
4 days in person instruction and Friday distance learning instruction? If board comes to conclusion that is necessary? Board says yes. Karyn clarifies for Terry over the phone. Voting to go back full schedule? Yes. Only modified schedule if state mandates? Or if county health
Department? Yes. Or if district decides necessary. Motion passes 6-1 [Todd against].
Superintendent report - bouquet of flowers to Gayleen for years of service on the board, 2007-2020. Gayleen expresses appreciation for board support and support from schools. Have felt it, and it had meant to much. Absolutely incredible journey. So grateful for it.
Board reports. Connie A reiterates how much she appreciates teachers. So grateful for what everyone did for students online. Amazing to see everyone step up, visit, and do hard work. Admiration for people who made online learning work.
Nicole thanking everyone who worked on plans. Expressed frustrations of teachers, but recognizes district administration also in a difficult position.
Karyn wraps up - difficult vote. Not everyone will be happy. Voiced teacher concerns. Also have voicemails from the other side from families concerned and wanting kids back in school too. A lot of families that want schools open and kids back in. Happy to send kids in a mask.
Asks that families with kids, especially little kids, practice wearing masks now. Then COVID goes away as quickly as possible. Train kids to wear a mask and we'll get through this. Appreciates board. More communications over the past weeks. Appreciates open dialogue and that
Board gets along, can agree to disagree, and now hold grudges. That is a credit to how good the Board is. Will miss Gayleen. President with Karyn joined and visited her. Motion to adjourn. Seconded. Video ended.
[July 14 Granite Board meeting Thread complete. This is not a transcript, but my best effort to capture what is said at least in meaning. Errors and typos are my own.] @threadreaderapp unroll please...
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