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May 22nd 2023
I completed, The House on Mango Street. Conclusion: This is a beautifully written book that contains no material that warrants this post by @UTBoardofEd member Natalie Cline. There’s no way she or the ‘concerned parent’ read the book. It would be my guess Ms. Cline acted on #uted Image
existing implicit biases rather than offer an educated and thoughtful critique of a book. I read the book looking for material that warranted the harsh declaration of 'disgusting.' I found none. Written as a series of vignettes, the book is a collection of lyrical prose in the Image
voice of its protagonist, a pre-teen Chicana (Mexican-American girl) named Esperanza.

Ms. Cline has repeatedly shown herself to be extremely biased against multiculturalism while expressing religious intolerance, bigotry toward the LGBTQ community, and harboring extreme right-
Read 12 tweets
Dec 5th 2022
Mr. Nick Rice @ihrice w/@Intermountain presented a powerful, under recognized presentation in #Utah on #IAQ

& 100% in line with @linseymarr @CorsIAQ @JimRosenthal4 @WBahnfleth 👉#SARS_CoV_2.

Entire #SLC #IAQ Summit: #UTed

A few clips in this 🧵follow:
👆2/n Start with #MERV13

(In the Q&A at the end of the full presentation we learn that @slcschools has now fully implemented #MERV13 filters in all schools.)

@SaltLakeHealth #UTed

3/n More on #MERV13

Keep the fan on 24/7 (Do Not USE "Auto") on your HVAC.

Change filters more often.

Read 8 tweets
Oct 12th 2022
I'm here at @IECHS for the @UTBoardofEd district 8 seat debate tonight, between @audryn_d and Christina Bogess. Full disclosure, I am Team Audryn all the way. And my battery is low. But I will love tweet as best I can as long as I can and link the YouTube recording later. #utpol Image
Election day is in 4 weeks, but ballots will come in the mail soon. 2 minute opening statements. Questions from the moderator and 90 s to respond. Option to rebut responses, as desired. Last half hour will be audience and viewer Qs. Candidates do no know Qs. CB goes first.
CB a mom of 3 young boys and an educator. 21 years experience teaching in a variety of schools. Deeply rooted understanding of education. Education and secondary, rural and urban, active shootings and aftermath, award winning schools. Been there for 20 years. Touched every facet.
Read 55 tweets
Jul 14th 2020
The @GraniteSchools Board meeting will start at 5. You can watch live on or follow the live Twitter thread here. [There will be a few typos.] If you don't want to follow along, mute me for a few hours. #uted #utpol
Still waiting for the livestream to start. 😷
[Karyn Winder just called the meeting to order. Terry called in for the meeting. The rest of the Board is there in person, socially distanced.]
Read 198 tweets
Nov 7th 2019
Full house with more people in the hallway. Just opened an overflow. Meeting just started and @SenLyleHillyard is inviting people to email more comments and feedback. Will present bill, then take public comment. People need to sign up. Concern tonight policy issues. #utpol #uted
First, @SenLyleHillyard reminding us of the issues we are here to address. Structural imbalance of sales and income tax with growing needs in transportation and general funds. Minutes approved.
Now Rep. Gibson discussing source of bill. Public comment to task force, including the last October meeting (which reportedly lasted until 11 pm). Will meet again in two weeks to discuss again and then discuss education piece. Not here to discuss education piece tonight.
Read 104 tweets
Jun 28th 2019
I’m down in Richfield, where the Tax Restructuring and Equalization Task Force Will shortly be holding its third town hall meeting #utpol
6 pm and here we go. Tax Force time #utpol
FWIW the Richfield crowd is overwhelmingly male. I'd guess 4:1 or 5:1 with ~150 people total (but I'm also terrible at estimating) #utpol
Read 16 tweets

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