Your muscles, and pleura, listen your brain (respiratory rate) and pull in the breeze (tidal volume)
Carbon dioxide hops on the ramp, and unless you wheeze, say peace to CO2.
That's what we call dead space, friends.
What the heck was that, Rabih? idea, really.
But let's keep playing.
Time for the dance.
4 key steps, remember.
ABG - pH 7.0, PCO 89.
Your first move?
The monitor.
Grab the naloxone, but you know that's not the whole list.
(2) Marked hypoxemia?
The CO2 ramp is probably not working.
A common cause of marked dead space issues - ARDS
O2 sat 96% RA.
The answer isn't on the monitor.
Time to listen for music.
No wheezing?
Sometimes, though, the obstruction can bad enough to cause a "silent"chest.
Not that either.
Yeah...on both sides.
Hmmm...some tongue fasciculations there too.
I wonder what the reflex exam will show.
What do you think, #medtwitter?

Especially not if your patient just came out of the OR.