The Board of Investment (BoI) @investinpak has undertaken steps to establish first-ever solar captive power plant for the SEZs in Pakistan.

03 Chinese electric power firms have agreed to set up 700MW photovoltaic power project in M-3 & Allama Iqbal Industrial City of FIEDMC.…
BOI played a key role in the signing of a tripartite MoU between state-owned enterprises including FIEDMC, Power China Jiangxi Electric Power Construction Co Ltd (JEPCC) -a subsidiary of Power China and Henan Zhonghui Electric Power Engineering & Consulting Co Ltd (HZEPEC)
The provisionally estimated total investment of the project is $630 million; wherein Chinese companies will come as financers and SEZ developer/FIEDMC could provide land on lease or to be an equity investment partner in the project.