A thread :)
#PassionEconomy #MeansOfCreation

When you raise venture, your duty is to grow. This leads to the pressure to bundle.
We're seeing a feature bloat in marketplaces and social (marketplaces are just dressed up social networks).
We've hit peak bundling.
Reddit is where communities live on the internet, founders building in this space ought to tune in.
Founders are there to 'serve' communities. You can't create them, they already exist.
@gregisenberg : cookie-cutter community tools are not going to work. Start with an audience, tune into the community, build tools to give the coffee shop feeling for the niche.
@gregisenberg: founders have not done enough to help communities monetize. Content, live video, merchandising.
@ljin18 : membership has friction because people need to see what they are getting into.