Headline: Welp, remember that 5% positivity line we didn't want to cross? Yep, we crossed it.
Three day average:
7/16: 5.11%
7/9: 4.77%
(6/15: 2.34%)

Because the WHO, in essence, made that the threshold... Said it was a good sign for countries to have it below 5% for 14 days in a row.
Yes, it's a bit of an arbitrary line, but it's important nonetheless.
Does it mean we are going to lock down again?
But we are seeing more positive cases, even as we test more. That suggests what @CDPHE has been saying...
There is more spread taking place RIGHT NOW
In some ways, we knew we'd get to this point. Reopening would not come without some consequences.
BUT... it also means if we continue down this road, with no change, we will likely see... yep... more problems.
it's not catastrophic. And, no, the sky is not falling.
This is why the little things matter... RIGHT NOW.
Wash your hands. Stay away from big crowds. And, yeah, consider wearing a mask.
Stay safe. This ain't over.
I really don't want to see any more closures. I'd really like for my kid to go to school next month.
We've already sacrificed too much.
But if this doesn't change, the mask debate is going to seem like child's play.