Yu Ziyuan went inside her guest room finding her daughter, the smallest Jade and her spiders.

When Lan Zhan noticed the sleeping Jiang Cheng on his mother’s arms he stood up and went towards her.

“Fine?” He asked when Yu Ziyuan sat down on the table where everyone was sitting.
“Yes, he is just sleeping.” She answered the boy.

He went and sat down again, but this time beside her, gold eyes not leaving the sleeping boy; seconds later he noticed the flowers on his hair and frowned.

“... Mother’s flowers.”, he said.

Wideyed Yu Ziyuan looked at Lan Zhan.
‘So that was her prison...’, she mentaly told to herself.

“Your brother took A-Cheng there” she asked Lan Zhan, then noticed that he continued to frown now more prominently. “Are you angry?”

He widens his eyes, barely noticeable; but what they could see was the red on his ears.

Yu Ziyuan sighed, these Lans are a disaster.

“Why you don’t take him next time?”, she told him, surprising the boy.

“Next... time?”, he asked.

Jiang Yanli and the Spiders looked at their interaction on the side; they were clearly intrigued.
“Mn, next time. After all, A-Cheng will stay here for a really long time.”

Yu Ziyuan took the little Jade’s hand on hers and looked at him to his eyes.

“You heard your uncle on his office, A-Li and me need to take care of something first before A-Cheng could return with us.
“Would, you help him and take care of each other?”

“Mn.”, Lan Zhan nodded. “I will protect him from brother too.”

That last comment made her give a laugh.

“You are officially my favorite Lan for now.”, She smirked.

“Mn?” Jiang Cheng mumbled, waking up by her mother’s laugh.
“Hello, A-Cheng”, Yu Ziyuan softly said while she looked at him.

Jiang Cheng blinked many times and then rubbed his eyes. When he noticed that she was not a dream, his lips wobbled and tears filled his eyes


The boy jumped and hugged her, hiding his face on her neck
The Violet Spider was strong. One of the strongest cultivators of her generation, but at exact moment, she felt as weak as when she thought that she has lost him.

Sweetly she hugged back her son tightly, making him cry harder.
How she missed this; his hugs, his love. She knows that after discussions and discussions, she also started to be colder to both of her children. This time she will change that.

“A-Cheng”, Jiang Yanli, murmured, also starting to cry.

Even if she said it lowly, he could hear her
Jiang Cheng turned his head and found the teary face of his older sister.

“J-Jiejie!” He sobbed harder.

Not being able to wait more, she stood up and run to her mother and brother.

She jumped them when she was close enough and hugged tightly both of them.
“A-Cheng, I missed you, my didi.”, she sobbed, her forehead touching his.

“I missed A-Niang and Jiejie too.”, he said back. “Gege! A-Niang and Jiejie are here!”

Lan Zhan gave him a faint smile and nodded.

Not much longer, the Jade started to blink slowly and Jiang Cheng understood.

“Oh, is it already bedtime?” He asked his friend, the back of his hand cleaning his nose. “I-I am going.”

Lan Zhan stood up from his place and rejected him.

“No, sleep here today.”
“But.”, Jiang Cheng frowned confused.

“Madam Yu needs to talk to A-Cheng.”, he said softly.

The youngest Jiang looked up to see her mother and she agreed.

“Second young master Lan is right. We need to talk A-Cheng.”

“... ok”, Jiang Cheng said dejectedly.
Lan Zhan walked towards him and imitated Jiang Yanli; he placed his forehead on his and whispered, “Tomorrow, sleep together. No sad.”

“Mn.” The Jiang agreeded.

He removed himself fromt he boy, bowed to everyone and leave to his room to sleep.
When the door closed, Yu Ziyuan looked at him.

“You like your Gege?” She asked curious. She didn’t expected that.

“Mhm, I like both of my Lan geges.”, he told her, small smile plastered on his face.

“...”, she pinched the bridge of her nose and deep sighed. Oh Gods.
“A-Cheng, please in the future, grow out from that obliviousness.”, She murmured.

He tilted his head confused and she let out another sigh.

“A-Niang.” Jiang Yanli called her mother.

They looked at each other and mentally agreeded. It was time.
“A-Cheng, there is something we need to tell you. Please put attention to what we are going to say.”, Yu Ziyuan commenced.

For the next few 2 hours, she spoke to the boy and the other members of the room, explaining them what she spoke to Lan Qiren.
At first Jiang Cheng didn’t agreed; making a fuss on the way. He doesnt wanted to be left alone and without his family again, but his mothers words calmed him down

“You are not alone. Everyone here likes you. You have Grandmaster Lan Qiren’s protection and the Jade’s friendship”
“We will also come each every two weeks to see you A-Cheng; We can spend time together, play and I can teach you to cook!”

“Cook?” He asked.

“Yes! There is not better way to feel at home with homemade food by family and friends, what do you say?”, she smiled at him.
“... Can I cook something for Mister Lan Qiren, Huan-ge and Gege?” He sheepily asked.

“Of course!” She smiled at him.

“Also young master Jiang will have one of us Spiders with you, by all his time at this sect.” The Spiders nodded.

“And your dogs A-Cheng!”, Yanli clapped.
“Jasmine, Love and Princess?!” He happily exclaimed.

“That’s right!” She replied.

“B-but, pets are not permitted on the Cloud Recesses.” He said confused.

His contestation made Madam Yu’s eye twitch. ‘That sounded so LAN.’

“Don’t worry, Lan Qiren agreeded.”, his mother said.
“So what do you say A-Cheng, would you stay here to study? For us?”, she asked him.

Jiang Cheng pouted but nodded.

“Good boy.” Yu Ziyuan praised, earning an smile from him. “Now time to sleep, it was a long journey.”

That night, Jiang Cheng was finally able to sleep soundly.

His A-Cheng an him were finally getting married; both were wearing red and the sheer veil that he was using was making him look more ethereal than he was already.

He removed the veil and took Jiang Cheng’s cheek on his hand.
His heart smiled at him back and closed his sparkling eyes.

He understands.

He smiled back and got his face closer to the other; his lips ready to touch those sweet plump lips of Jiang Cheng but when he was going to touch them...

His eyes opened in alarm, body shooting up from the bed quickly making him trip with the bed covers and falling on his face.

Lan Huan was having the sweetest dream of his life and his uncle woke him up from it.

He pouted, hitting softly once his forehead on the wooden floor.
“You don’t have any shame. You dare to pout by being awakened even if is already 5:30 in the morning, Lan Huan.”, Lan Qiren glared from his table, tea on his hand

Dejected, the little Jade finally stood up and looked around. “This is...“

“Yes, this is my room.”, his uncle said
Then he remembered.

“A-CHEN- OUCH!”, Lan Huan said loudly but a brush thrown to his head stopped him.

“No shouting! You are so shameless that you haven’t understand how many rules you have broken already in this short amout of time?!”, his uncle reprimed him.
Lan Qiren looked at his uncle that was now touching the area where he was hit with his brush and gave a deep sigh. ‘So early and my head already hurts’

“Stop pouting and come here! We need to talk something important, is related to Jiang Cheng.”
Lan Huan looked up quickly when he heard his fiance’s name and run where his uncle was; sitting on front of him.

‘No runni- oh forget it.’ He mentaly said, fingers pinching the bridge of his nose in exasperation.

“Lan Huan, are you fully aware of what our ribbon means?”
Lan Huan straightened up and looked seriously as his uncle.

“Yes Uncle.”, he replied.

Lan Qiren hummed.

“Then, are you aware that most of people outside our sect doesn’t know the meaning of it, right? And more if they are small children like A-Cheng.”, he ‘asked’ him.
Lan Huan looked down in shame and replied.

“... yes Uncle.”

Seconds passed and the boy looked up again, looking at his uncle face to face.

“I really like him. I swear that I do Uncle!”, he strongly said, not backing up.
“I know that I should’ve waited and courted him like it should be when we were older, but... I couldn’t! My heart moved first when I saw him the first time.-”

“Do you regret it?”, Lan Qiren interrupted his nephew.
“NO! NEVER!”, Lan Huan shouted, but this time his uncle didn’t scolded him.

The Jade fingers were turning white with how hard he was gripping his robes.

“Very well. I would’ve kicked you out of Gusu if you had said that you regretted it.”

The boy’s eyes widened.
“Does that me-!”, his eyes sparkled again, but his Uncle’s hand stopped what he was going to say.

“It means that I accept the feelings you have for the Jiang heir, but I do not accept the engagement.”, he harshly said. “Don’t, let me finish.”
“He is just going to be only 5 years old Lan Huan, meanwhile you are already 10 and fully aware of your actions. You know that giving him your ribbon and him accepting it, would mean a direct engagement between the two of you but neither his mother, Madam Yu nor me agree to that.
“We concluded that if Jiang Cheng wants to marry you in the future, we will fully support both of you, no matter if both are heirs or males, BUT if Jiang Cheng wants to stay with someone else then it will be his choice, not yours.”

Lan Huan started to cry in pain, lips wobbly.
“Lan Huan, would you want to see Jiang Cheng just like your mother? Or just in a situation like Madam Yu”

Immidietly he moved his head to negate it.

“No! Never!”

“Then don’t cry! Stop being so selfish!”, he placed loudly his teacup on the table.
“If you want to be with him in the future and have his heart the same way he has yours, then court him. Make him fall in love with you, but don’t force it. Alright?”

“... Can I spend time with him?”, He lowly asked.
“Of course, you can talk to him, have fun, and spend time; its one of the first stepts to try to win his heart don’t you think?” He agreeded. “But you will still need to take your cultivation seriously. Do you want him to have a weak cultivator as husband?”

“NEVER”, he stood up.
“I will be the best cultivator this generation had! For my A-Cheng!” he turned around and run towards the door, finally getting out from his Uncle’s room

“Wait!”, Lan Qiren said, arm and hand stretched trying to stop him, but was in vain. “Ugh... now time to talk to the council”

Lan Zhan just finished his meditation when he heard some knocks on his door.

He got up and opened the door, finding his brother looking extremelly happy.

“A-Zhan, I will become the best cultivator of all and then marry A-Cheng!, he said star-eyed.
The other Jade looked at his older brother and closed the door on his face.

He turned back and went to gather his and Jiang Cheng’s materials for today’s lessons.

Lan Zhan was in front of Madam Yu’s guest room and knocked 3 times, waiting for answer.
Quickly, two small steps resounded, walking towards him and then opened the door.

“Gege!”, Jiang Cheng loudly told him.

“No loud sounds on the Cloud Recesses.”, Lan Zhan scolded him softly but accepted the hug that Jiang Cheng was going to give him.
“So early and so loud already.” Madam Yu said suddenly to the two boys.

“Madam Yu”, The youngest Jade saluted.

“Second Young Master Lan”, she said back. “Are you going to the food pavilion?”


“Very well, we will be going too. A-Li must have our food ready too.”
“Jiejie’s food is the best! I asked her to make some for you too Gege, you should try it.” Jiang Cheng told him excited.


Jiang Cheng took from Lan Zhan’s hands his lecture materials and grabed his hand on his, like he always do and went together to the food pavilion.
Madam Yu and her Spiders looked at the pair on the back.

Yu Ziyuan let out a deep sigh while each of the Spiders patted their mistress shoulder, one of each, in understanding.

She also started to have a headache in the morning.

Her son is a heart robber.

Lan Zhan and Jiang Cheng were still holding hands when Lan Huan found them, again, making his smile twitch at the action.

"A-Zhan, A-Cheng" , called them before they entered the communal food pavilion.

"Brother." "Huan-ge", the boys said at the same time.
"Do you mind if I join both?, he smiled brightly.

Lan Zhan didn't said anything but Jiang Cheng nodded.

Without even thinking twice, he gave his lecture materials to Lan Huan and took his now other free hand with his, making Lan Huan's eyes water with happiness.
While Jiang Cheng was telling his Huan-ge that his jiejie did their breakfast, behind them, Yu Ziyuan's eyebrows started to twitch madly by how fast her son has become so touchy with the two Jades.

"I am really doing the best choice on leaving my poor kid in a den of wolves?"
Her two friends and Spiders covered their mouth to try to not laugh but then Lan Qiren's voice stopped them... momentarily.

"I think that the one who is the wolf here is your son. My nephews were exceptional on their rules and etiquette before the boy came", he said.
Seconds later the adults and the whole hall saw how Lan Huan pulled Jiang Cheng towards him to sit on his legs, while Lan Zhan furrowed his eyebrows slightly, clearly in disapproval.


"You were saying?" she snorted "Also, should I remember you who kidnapped who yesterday?"
The two women behind Yu Ziyuan and Lan Qiren were really fighting hard to not laugh at loud, shoulders trembling madly in laughter.

"I think they look cute together", Jiang Yanli said behind them, arms carrying part of their breakfast while behind Lan disciples helped her.
"You say that now, but when they grow older it will be worst" Madam Yu mumbled.

"I think it will be alright. Later I am planning on having a talk with Young Master Lan.", Jiang Yanli smiled.

"...", "..."

"Which one?" both adults asked at the same time.
Something in here tone scared them.

"BOTH of them. And if is necessary to talk to the whole sect then I will do it" she replied, smile getting bigger, slight feeling of pressure felt on the place.

Suddenly the two Jades felt that pressure on their back, creating goosebumps.
"Now I must deliver this food to my didi and his two friends and suitors before it gets cold", smile getting more "brightly".

She went forward and went to give them their breakfast.

"... I don't know what is more scary, you with Zidian or you mad or your daughter's smiles"
"Me neither..." Yu Ziyuan replied Lan Qiren back.


"A-Cheng." Jiang Yanli called Jiang Cheng.

"Jiejie!", he gave her the biggest smile he could do, surprising both Jades. "You already know Gege, but this is Huan-ge, the one who gave me his forehead ribbon" he said innocently
She nodded.

"A-Cheng, I prepared their breakfast just as you asked me." she told him "That is why is better if you sit on your place so First Young Master Lan can eat without any issue his breakfast."

Jiang Cheng's right eyebrow turned up. His sister's tone sounded different.
But he agreed, it must be uncomfortable to eat with someone on their lap.

He was going to move but Lan Huan's hands that were around him stopped him.

"Is not issue for me Mistress Jiang", Lan Huan told her politely but Jiang Yanli was nit having any of it.
With a thight smile she placed a little forceful Lan Huan's food tray and told him.

"I insist"

For some reason that made him remove his hands fast, finally letting the smallest Jiang free to move.
When Jiang Cheng finally sat on his place, Yanli went and sat besides her mother, smile not leaving her face.

"Scary..." Lan Zhan said lowly, which his older brother only nodded.

Jiang Cheng started to eat happily his own breakfast, clearly enjoying it enormously.
The Jades saw theirs and noticed that it had a lot of red on it.

They looked at Jiang Yanli and she let out an smirk in challenge.

The Lans looked back at it and swallowed.

When they took the first bite they tried so hard to not cough so much, drinking their tea fast.
"Gege? Huan-ge? are you alright?" Jiang Cheng asked concerned.

"... yes is just really delicious" Lan Huan told him, face red as a pepper, tears gathering on his eyes.

"... mn..."

Yu Ziyuan, Lan Qiren and the Spiders looked at the happy Jiang Yanli in worry.

After the whole breakfast of hell, Jiang Yanli stood beside Jiang Cheng and asked him for a tour on the Cloud Recesses, completely ignoring the huge pout that the first Jade had on his face and the slightly furrowed eyebrows from the other Lan.
“Need help?”, Lan Zhan asked Jiang Cheng.

“No, I think is fine; I will take Jiejie to the places where Gege and Huan-ge took me.”, the youngest Jiang told Lan Zhan.
“Yes A-Zhan, you still have lessons to do, I will take that responsibility as the oldest of us to help A-Cheng to show them around.”, Lan Huan smiled at his little brother, obviously competing in a way.

“I think A-Cheng can show me alone Young Master Lan.” Jiang Yanli announced.
“After all, he is a very smart boy, he would be a better guide for me than any of you.”

The eyebrow of Lan Zhan and the smile of Lan Huan twitched at the connotations of the boy’s sister.

“You really think so Jiejie?”, Jiang Cheng asked surprised.
“Of course!”, she exclaimed happily, “I want to also talk to my didi about some other important issues that the two Jades shouldn’t hear.”

Jiang Cheng tilted his head in confusion.

“Issues? What kind of issues?”, he asked.
“Oh, important ones like for example, you already getting big enough for sitting on another boy’s lap”, she started.

Lan Huan’s smile twitched madly.

“Or sleeping in another boy’s bed”

Lan Zhan started to glare to the girl’s back.

“Or feeding each other with the same cutlery”
“Mistress Jia-“,

“Or bathing together”

Lan Huan was going to speak but Yanli ignored him and continued while slowly moving her brother away from the two boys that were looking at her in disbelief.
Both Jades were entering in panic so quickly they shoot at the at the 4 adults that were watching them, one puppy teary eyes and the other stony glaring stare.


Lan Qiren found himself looking at the eyes of his nephews and turned around, also completely ignoring them.
He coughed loudly.

“I need now to speak to the Clan Elders, I will see all of you during lunch time.”, the older Lan announced

‘?!’, his two nephews looked at their Uncle in surprise.
“Wow, that was cold Qiren”, Yu Ziyuan said out loud, the two Spiders looking without blinking at the two boys who were practically begging for their help.

“I have enough with the other Lans, I do not want to mess with an scarier version of your spawns.", he said.
"Now if you excuse me, I have to tell a bunch of old individuals that we are going to break a lot of rules because of you.”

Yu Ziyuan smirked at the retreating man.

"As if he wasn't also old looking with that beard", she told her Spiders. "A-Li"

She called her daughter.
Jiang Yanli stopped her walking and turned around, big bright smile still on her face.

"Yes A-Niang", she asked, eyes looking at her mother as if she wasn't doing something 'bad'.

"Take with you the two Jades.", her mother ordered her.

Now it was her smile that twitched.
"Is alright A-Niang, I think A-Cheng can do a good job showing me around." she tried to convince her mother.

"No, take them with you; and A-Cheng." she now looked at her son, "From everything your sister tells you, just took as rules the ones you find adequate, not all of them"
The dark shadow that the two Jades had disappeared when Madam Yu told that to her daughter.

But when they looked back at the two Jiang siblings; Jiang Yanli were looking at both with a murdering look.
Jiang Cheng still confused nodded at his mother and looked at the 3 slightly older children who were smiling (except his Gege) but with an strange edge and danger.

That is going to be a weird day for the poor boy.

“Lan Qiren, what do you mean that there are more terms for Jiang Cheng to stay?”, one of the female elders asked exasperated.

Lan Qiren called all the elders again, but this time to talk about the newest, rule breaking, terms that Yu Ziyuan gave him.
“Yes.”, he deeply sighed. “She accepted but she gave me new terms for his child to stay in the Cloud Recesses.

All the council of elders looked as if they wanted to groan. Terms made by the fearsome Purple Spider are nothing but a definition of a pain in the ass.
“… Just tell us what terms she want us to agree to.”, another elder asked, hand on his head.

”I want to say that I will be fully responsible of the boy.”, Lan Qiren announced first.

“Yes, we knew that much already. Just spill it out Lan Qiren.”

He sighed again.
“Yu Ziyuan terms are, first, for Jiang Cheng dressing his Jiang clothes during his stay, him to stay with one of the Spiders to train him personally on the Jiang forms.”, he started.

The elders hummed and nodded.
“The other term she added was for him to eat food type from Yunmeng and for him to use the kitchen when he wants; that is for him to not feel homesick and to not forget the food of his hometown.” He said, omitting the part of the food made in Gusu tasting terribly and bland.
“… I think we can pass that one too. Thought is a weird request the one of him using the kitchen since he is a young master himself.”, the elder said.

“It is because his oldest sister likes to cook by herself and he wants to share it with my nephews and friends.”
“I see, very well, we agree on that.” The elders nodded and agreed. “Is there more?”

“… yes, the other one is also very understandable after what happened, Yu Ziyuan and her daughter will have a jade pass so they can come and go when they want.”, Lan Qiren said.
The elders looked at each others passing their thoughts with their eyes.

“They promised to me that they will not abuse of that power.”, he added.

“Very well, but they need to go directly to you when they arrive, no exceptions.”, the elders said.
“Understandable and I agree.” The man says.

“Is there anything more?”, the female elder asks, hoping there shouldn’t be more.

“Only one more…”, Lan Qiren said dejected.

“And it is?”

“Spill it out Lan Qiren, we will accept it anyways; so far the Purple Spider’s terms have been reasonable.”, that same female elder said. All the elders were exasperated already.

Lan Qiren widened his eyes and found the perfect chance.
“Well, since the council accepted already, then I shouldn’t worry.”, he cleared his throat. “She added at last for the young boy’s spiritual dogs to be with him as their companions.”

“Lan Qiren, pets are not permitted in the Cloud Recesses!”, That same elder shouted.
“Yes, but the council said also that everyone will accept that last term anyways, so its now a new exception for him.”, he said, confident that the elders tied themselves with their own words.

“LAN QIREN!”, another elders shouted from his place.
“Is also a rule of us to be humble, understanding and of course to not shout, aren’t I right?”, he said. “The dogs are companions and hunting partners of the kid.
If you are worried about it, I will be fully responsible of all the terms served by her, not only as the one currently in charge but also as the formal legal tutor of the boy.”

He turned around and prepared himself to leave.
“If anything happens, you will be the one being punished, you hear me Lan Qiren!”, one of the male eldest added.

Lan Qiren nods to them and leaves the room.

“If I end murdered, it will be your fault Yu Ziyuan.”, Lan Qiren said when he found Yu Ziyuan on his office.
Yu Ziyuan smirked from her place, teacup close from her lips. “That means that they agreeded.”

“Yes, but I had to use their words agains them.”, he said while he sat down, serving himself a cup of tea. “Also, stop grabbing my things without consulting me.”

He pointed at the tea
“Stop being so sturdy, we are now practically co-parenting my child, I have the right to take your teas and prepare it if I want.”, she said back, drinking happily the tea.

“I don’t know who is more shameless, you or Wen Ruohan with that actitude.”, he mumbles
Yu Ziyuan lifts one of her eyebrows surprised by what the other man said, clearly unconciously. ‘Oh? Interesting’ she thought.

“Well, I can totally say that the most shameless is your nephew.”, she sassily added.

Lan Qiren started to cough the tea he was drinking.
‘Did I said that out loud?!’, he mentaly said.

Yu Ziyuan’s smirk got bigger and meaner. “Yes, you did.”

Lan Qiren groaned, face being hidden on his hands.

Yu Ziyuan slowly got closer to him and poked him with her finger’s on the hidden face.
“So, spill it out. How long have you both been dating? Uh?” She asked, clearly enjoying herself way to much by the reddening ears of the guy in front of her.

“WE. ARE. NOT. DATING.”, he said.

“Sure, of course.” ‘He looks kinda cute when he looks embarrassed.’ She thinks.
“ANYWAYS. Let’s start to think what is going to be Jiang Cheng’s study plan.”, He says

“Very well, start giving me options and what you recommend.”

The rest of their day is spend talking about Jiang Cheng’s study planner, but she uses that opportunity to bully the man too.

“Jiejie, why are you being so mean to my geges?”, Jiang Cheng suddently asked his sister after they sit down to take a break.

Jiang Cheng and Jiang Yanli were right now in sitting on a big tree waiting for both Lans that they were bringing some snacks for them (Jiang Cheng).
“I am not mean, A-Cheng. Why you say that?”, she asks kindly back to her brother.

Jiang Cheng then pointed at the poor magnolia flower that Lan Huan gifted to him that was right now pressed on her sister’s hands.

He looks again at her and rises one of his eyebrows, arms crossed
She sighs and gives Jiang Cheng back the flower.

He places the flower inside his robes, close to his heart so later he can place it on his book.

“Is A-Cheng angry at me?”, Jiang Yanli asks him.
She does know that she is acting a little overprotective but... just thinking of her brother suffering or being mistreated by anyone again? Or even touch him like those guys tried to touch him?

It just make her furious.

He was just an small kid.
"Jiejie is just worried.", she tells him.

"Why?" he asks her, confused.

"Come, let me braid your hair."

Jiang Cheng pulls himself closer towards his sister and takes out his Lan ribbon, places it on his knees and undo the high bun.

Meanwhile, Jiang Yanli takes out her comb.
She touches her brother's soft long hair and starts to brush it.

"You know a Cheng, now that you are going to be living here, why don't you leave your hair down. You have a really beautiful hair." she tells him.

"Mn, maybe. But Jiejie, why you are mean to them."
"... Jiejie is scared." she says, hands still brushing his hair. "A-Niang and I heard everything about those days that you were alone, before Grandmaster Lan Qiren found you and..."

She couldn't continue with what she wanted to say, instead a really pitful sobs left her lips.
Surprised, Jiang Cheng turned around and cup her sister's hands on his.

"Jiejie", he called her.

"I don't want for you to get hurt again because someone selfish again!" she continued crying.

"Jiejie, I am already fine, look! Mister Qiren and the doctor healed me.", he said.
"A-Cheng, you shouldn't been hurt like that in the first place."

"Is alright, please don't cry jiejie, I am alright.", he tried again. "Huan-ge and Gege helped me a lot when I arrived here."

Yanli removed her hands from her brothers and touched the top of his head.
"Huan-ge, even if sometimes he is a little weird, he gives me the best fruits he could find when I am hungry even if the rules says that he shouldn't", he tell her. "Everytime I have a nightmare or I miss home at night, Gege hugs me and doesn't leaves my side when we sleep".
"Huan-ge has helped me when there is a school theme that neither Gege or me understands and sometimes he plays me music to help me relax when I am feeling bad, even if he tells me that is because he wanted to practice."

That makes her chuckle.
"Is also really funny when Gege calls him 'shameless' when Mister Qiren is scolding him or glares when he thinks I am not a looking."

"... Do you really like those two, isn't it A-Cheng.", she asks him, tears finally stopping.

"Yes, I like Gege and Huan-ge very much!" he shouts
At the distance, Lan Huan and Lan Zhan are accidentally hearing the conversation that both siblings are having and they fondly see how much those siblings love each other but more, those words that the boy said to her about the two of them made their heart beat harder.
"I see." she smiles to her sister.

"Does that means that you likes them more than me?" she ask him playfully.

"No! I love jiejie the best!"

She laughs out loud and hugs her brother tightly.

"Jiejie loves you the best too." she tells him during the embrace.
After more than a week, Yu Ziyuan finally decided that it was time to finally return to Lotus Pier.

Her heart felt heavy because she has to say goodbye to her son once again, but felt in peace because she knows that Lan Qiren will take care of her baby.
In front of her was Jiang Cheng with his 3 dogs that ordered to bring immediately to the CR, not even caring if they had another home already

In front was also one of her friend and Spider that will train daily the boy until they come back and change places with the other Spider
At her side it was her daughter that was trying so hard to not cry again.

She sighed and placed her hand on the top of her head, trying to convince her that he was going to be alright.
"Qiren, I will leave everything in your hands then.", she said. "We will try to come every two weeks and send as many letter we can. Isn't right A-Li?"

Jiang Yanli nodded fast, lips trembling.

The girl took a deep breath and glared at the two Jades that were behind his brother
"I have a Jade token now, so if I hear something bad from A-Cheng about you two, believe me, my hairpin will meet some places that you two won't like to know." she threaten.

"Jiejie!" Jiang Cheng exclaimed in shock.

'Scary' All the adults thought at the same time.
"Mistress Jiang shouldn't worry. We will always treat A-Cheng with respect and of course with all our love." Lan Huan spoke to her with a equally ' threatening ' smile.

"Hm", Lan Zhan looked at her coldly.

'What is wrong with those kids?!', they exclaimed to themselves.
"A-Cheng, please remember to give me all the details in the letters that you will send to Jiejie ok?", Jiang Yanli smiled at her brother.

At this point Jiang Cheng gave up on his sister's overprotecting actitude so he just looked at her tiredly and nodded.
"Jiang Cheng", Lan Qiren called him. He extended his hand and the boy took it, it was time.

"A-Niang, Jiejie." he called them. "I promise that I will work hard and get strong."

Lan Qiren nodded in approval.

With a heavy heart, Yu Ziyuan finally turned her back and left.

After 3 days, Yu Ziyuan, Jiang Yanli and the Spider finally arrived to Lotus Pier.

Disciples warmly welcomed all the women after their long time away.

"Where is my husband." Yu Ziyuan asked the closest disciple.

"He is in the training ground Madam."

She nodded and walked.
"A-Niang?" Yanli called her.

She saw her face and knew what her mother was going to do and so she followed her, bracing her heart of what is coming next.

The 3 arrived to the training ground and they found Jiang Fengmian personally 'training' Wei Ying.
Zidian started to act when it felt her master's anger.

"JIANG FENGMIAN!", she shouted to the man.

The man was starting to turn around when suddenly his chest was hit directly by Zidian's whip, literally sending him to the other side of the training field.
All the disciples on the arena and in the whole Lotus Pier stopped their activities in shock.

No one, except Jiang Yanli moved to go towards the now shocked Wei Ying.

"A-Ying", she called him sweetly.

"S-shijie?", the boy responded, completely scared of what just happened.
"Come, I will make you the Lotus Rib soup that you like. Is time for adults to talk, ok?", she then picked the boy on her arms and carried him away. He doesn't need to see this after all.

When Yu Ziyuan saw that the kids finally left, she started to walk towards her husband.
"M-my Lady?" A shocked Jiang Fengmian said when he started to stand up but Yu Ziyuan kicked him back to the floor.

She placed her boot on his chest, bones cracking with the pressure she was giving him.

"Well, well. Don't you look good here on the floor?" she mocked.
"LISTEN HERE ALL OF YOU!" She shouted towards all the disciples, staff and clan elders that now came out after hearing the first shout.

"W-what is the meaning of this Madam Yu" one of the elders spoke while he saw what their Lady ready to kill her husband and their Sext Leader.

"I will tell you what is THIS.", she made Zidian round Jiang Fengmian and harshly threw him to the center of the arena.
Everyone gasped.

"Madam! Stop! we know that you are hurting for what happened to your son, but this is not the answer!"

She laughed at the comment of the elder and looked at him with smirking.

"My son is alive!" she shouted at the man. "He is alive and not because of him!"
"What?" the elder asked confused. Murmurs started resounded the whole place.

The Spider then threw a GUSU lan scroll to the elders to read.

They opened it and together they started to read with with wide eyes.

"Starting today I will be the one in charge." She told them.
"He will still be your disgusting Sect leader" she pointed at Jiang Fengmian, "but only figuratively, did all of you understand?".

Everyone was still in shock so they didn't spoke out.


Jiang Fengmian's right hand went forward and nodded.
"Yes Madam!" he shouted.

The elders finished reading the scroll and glared at the shocked man who was their Sect Leader. Together they also nodded at her.

Not much time later all the disciples knew where they loyalty should go.

After that day, Jiang Fengmian was the Sect Leader of Yunmeng Jiang in the eyes of the other clans, all of them except Gusu Lan and his own home.
“Hello ‘husband’”, Yu Ziyuan mocked the man when she entered to his room.

It has been hours since he was sent to his room to ‘rest his wounds’ after his wife took possession of the whole sect.

Him being betrayed by everyone on his home left a deep sour taste in his mouth.
“Why you did that my lady...” the man was still in the same position he was left hours ago.

“Why? You still ask why?” She snarled at the man, not even caring to act thoughtful with him. “Let me explain it to you since it seems that you are so stupid to comprehend.”
She walked towards him and crossed her arms.

“You, poor excuse of a man, almost killed MY son. You dared to left him all alone just because you wanted to search for that kid.”

“He wasn’t meant to even go with me in the first place my lady.” He told her.
“We were going on a search party, not a family trip.”

Yu Ziyuan madly went towards him and grabbed his front.

“EXCUSE ME? Are you even hearing yourself?! Yes, it was a search party of searching another KID who you weren’t even sure if he was alive!”
Zidian started to act once again that day by their owner’s anger.

“That kid wasn’t from this sect in the first place, His father left Yunmeng Jiang to go with HIS wife, and go as rogue cultivators and you what? You go and run like a headless chicken trying to find him?”
“Wei Ying is just a kid.” He told her.

“Jiang Cheng is younger than him too and you abandoned him!” She dropped him harshly on the floor.

“Didn’t you never noticed how he always looked at you, Jiang Fengmian? He adores you!”

Yu Ziyuan looked at the side and started to bite her lips, both in anger and in sorrow.

“You fucking idiot, he loved you. He loved you just as I did before.”

Jiang Fengmian looked at her in shock.
“I knew that no matter how much I tried I was never going to be more than a political wife for you and I just had to accept it even if it broke my heart.” She sighed. “I accepted my fate but I still hoped that you would look at our kids differently.
You like A-Li but you still made some kind of barrier towards her because she is still my daughter but with A-Cheng… With A-Cheng you were just cruel.

“The moment he was born you only carried him ONCE and that was when you saw him first but then you didn’t do it anymore.
You never praised him, for you he was never enough and never was ‘doing our sect motto as if it should’. You hate me so much that you never gave him the opportunity to be in your heart.”

The man looked once again down, shame illustrating his face.
“But it doesn’t matter because he won’t be your kid anymore. Just like in this sect you are the sect leader in name, you will be the same as Jiang Cheng’s father.
Now he will live in the Cloud Recesses with Lan Qiren as his tutor and adoptive father; unlike someone, he knows how much of a good kid he is and he adores him.”

“L-Lan Qiren? Cloud Recesses?! What do you mean?!”, Jiang Fengmian asked surprised at what she told him.
“Lan Qiren found my son after you abandoned him. He find him hurt, in shock and traumatized.” She walked towards the exit. “We talked and now the Gusu will be his home as if he was studying aboard, preparing himself to be the next proud Yunmeng Jiang Sect Leader.”
“W-wait!” He finally stand up from the floor, panicked; Yu Ziyuan stopped from opening the door and looked at him once again waiting for his question. “What about Wei Ying!?”

Snarling, she opened the door with force.
“… I never expected nothing from you, but you still disappoint me. At this exact moment Jiang Fengmian will enter into seclusion indefinitely. Good bye.”

“… Shijie, why was Madam Yu angry today?”
Wei Ying and Jiang Yanli were on the the kitchen that luckily was far from where the adults were ‘talk’.

“A-Ying, sometimes adults have disagreements.” She kindly told him, her hand picking up a tissue to clean his face.
“This time Sect Leader Jiang did something that we cannot forgive him, that is why A-Niang and everyone else was angry with him.”
“About what, Shijie?”

Yanli looked at the side and sighing she grabbed a lotus pod, fingers picking the seeds inside it.
“… Something really cruel, but remember this. Is not your fault.”

“I-it isn’t?” He asked unsure. Since he arrived, he noticed that even if they were smiling at him, they always also murmured words that he wouldn’t be able to hear.
“No, is not.” She smiled brightly at him. “Say, would you like my brother next time when we go to visit him?”

“Brother?”, Wei Ying said, small fingers picking at the peeled lotus seeds that his shijie put in front of him.
“Yes! Actually that is where mother and I went.” Giggly and the hamster like food full cheeks that Wei Ying had at the moment. “A-Cheng is going to study for some a long time in Gusu until he is ready to take his position as the leader of Yunmeng, that is why he is staying there”
“Does that means that he is my shimei?” He asked brightly, making her laugh now a little louder.

“You meant shidi, won’t you A-Ying?”

“I heard that he looks just as Madam Yu, so if that is right then he must be pretty as her, so shimei!” He said proudly.
Jiang Yanli placed her hand on her mouth, trying hard to stop her laugher. “Then you are going with us next time?”, she asked him.

Wei Ying nodded happily, he cannot wait to meet his shimei.

“Mister Lan Qiren, why the beard?”, Jiang Cheng asked.

It has been one week since Madam Yu and the others have gone back to The Lotus Pier, leaving the boy at Gusu.

Life at the Cloud Recesses has been comfortable for him and the Spider.
Lan Qiren has given them their own room (making one small Jade angry) and his Yunmeng Jiang clothes have also arrived (making the other and older Jade pout).

His 3 dogs also are there and everyone from kids, teens to adults love to give them secretly treats and belly rubs.
Daily he trains with them so they wont break more the rules of the place.

Right now he is with Lan Qiren on the library having extra classes on his penmanship since his level is quite lower than the other kids his age here in Gusu.
His nephews wanted to help him, but Lan Qiren rejected their offer. The man wanted to spend time with him; Almost like a father-son moment.

“Hm, why you ask A-Cheng? Also, I told you that you can call me “Uncle” too.”, Lan Qiren told him from the other side of the desk.
“Oh, right. Sorry Uncle.” Jiang Cheng nods. “And… can I be honest, Uncle?”

“Please do. Remember honesty is important here and is in the rules”, The older Lan said, hand still unconsciously stroking his beard.
“Ok. Is because he is ugly.” He said, eyes not leaving his piece of paper and his brush; pout and frown coming out at times when the strokes are not looking good.

“Excuse me?”

Lan Qiren’s whole body stop in shock, not expecting him to be THAT direct.
“Yeah, is very ugly Uncle; it reminds me to an ugly goat.” He continued, not even noticing the twitching eyebrows of the older man. “Gege and Huan-ge also don’t like it but when I asked them if they have told Uncle about it they just turn away.”

The poor man doesn’t know how to feel at that exact moment. He knows that his beard is not likened by anyone but him but even his own nephews?

Suddenly Jiang Cheng looks up at him as if he had the best idea in the world.
“Uncle why don’t you try taking it out!” He exclaims at him. “Everyone says that you are ugly but maybe is because of that thing. Won’t it be better if is not anymore?”

Lan Qiren feels a headache starting at the front of his head.
‘What does he means when he say ‘everyone says that you are ugly’?!’ He thinks.

“… D-did I said something wrong, Uncle?” Jiang Cheng asks in a low voice, shoulders slumping as if he was going to get punished.

The poor man takes a deep breath and exhales…
“No, why you say that A-Cheng”, he asks calmly, even if on his inside he is fuming.

“I-is just that Uncle just as if Huan-ge took me out of class without permission once again…”

‘Oh no.’ He pinches the bridge of his nose and looks at Jiang Cheng’s face.
Grave mistake! The boy is looking at him as if he was the one who tried to kick his dogs out from the Cloud Recesses like that elder 3 days ago.

“Would you be happy if I did that, A-Cheng?”, he asks hoping that the boy would stop looking at him like that.
“I think Uncle would look more good looking”

He sighs AGAIN.

The next day the whole Cloud Recesses is shocked by looking at a beard-less and extremely handsome Lan Qiren hand in hand with an smiling Jiang Cheng.

‘TOO POWERFUL!’ The whole sect thought at the same time.
That day the rumors of a beard-less Lan Qiren traveled from Gusu to the other other 4 sects quickly making the Sect Leaders (and Yu Ziyuan) expecting anxiously to be the next week so they can see -and bully- the man in the next sect conference.

"Uncle is really good looking!" Jiang Cheng said excited to his two Lan friend.


"I agree, he looks good." Lan Huan nodded at an stary eyes Jiang Cheng.

The 3 kids were outside in an area where they could freely play and train with the 3 dogs.
This time though, some younger kids with their parents and some classmates of Jiang Cheng and Lan Zhan were there playing with them, meanwhile the two Lans and Jiang Cheng were having an small picnic.
Lan Huan picked up one meat bun that the Yunmeng Jiang cook made them and put it closer to Jiang Cheng's mouth so he could give it a bite.

Jiang Cheng furrowed his eyebrows but still took a bite from it.

Lan Huan brightened and then took a bite from the same bun.
"Shameless", Lan Zhan lowkey glared at his brother actions, but stopped when Jiang Cheng picked up an apple piece so he could eat it.

"Don't get angry Gege, here." Jiang Cheng told him innocently, not even noticing now the older of them glaring at his younger brother.
Everyone around looked at them but then ignored them since they already got used to everything, though they were some rumors that some disciples and adults started to make a betting pool.

"A-Niang is coming next week." the young Jiang announced suddenly.
"She told me in the letter that Jiejie is not going to be able to come but that she is bringing someone with her."

"Someone?" The older Lan looked at his brother to see if he knew something about it but the other negated it.
"Yeah, A-Niang write that this kid is going to be some important for me when I become a Sect Leader."

Jiang Cheng tried to pick up his bun but Lan Huan once again took it so he can feed him.

"Huan-ge, I can do it by myself." he mumbled, eyebrows furrowing again.
"I know" he smile grow, body slowly getting closer to his beloved. "I just want to do it because I like you a lot".

'So sappy', adults and teen disciples murmured to themselves.

"I like you a lot too?" Jiang Cheng said back, still not convinced.
"Please tell us more about what Auntie Yu said." he tried to evade the feeding topic and it actually worked.

"Oh right." he finally continued and took a bite from the bun.

'First young master is so sly!'

"A-Niang said that he was going to become my right hand?"
"Second in command" Lan Zhan added.

"Yup!" Jiang Cheng nodded at his Gege. "Jiejie told me before that he was pretty interesting and that I would like him a lot when I get to meet him"

"I think we will spend the whole week together, would you join us Gege?" Jiang Cheng asks Lan Zhan and he nods.

"What about me A-Cheng? Won't you invite me?" Lan Huan asked him, his hand grasping the younger Jiang's one.

"No.", he told him.

Lan Huan smile twitched.
"Uncle told me that you were going to be with him the whole weak so no." Jiang Cheng shrugged.

Lan Zhan looked at his brother and Lan Huan swears that he looked smug.

"Maybe during that weak we can also sleep together once again Gege. I miss sleeping in the same bed as you!"
Lan Huan's smile twitched more and more, specially when he finally concluded that indeed, his brother might look like he don't have any external expression but on the inside he was indeed looking smug at him.


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More from @skullysinner

Jan 22
[#JiangCheng centric/allcheng in the future?] It all started with a shot to his heart.

Or to be more exactly, his nephew "accidentally" shooting an arrow directly to his chest after a big argument on a nighthunt.
He was not sad, just disappointed and it must've shown it on his face the moment that realization came into their faces.

"No, nononono! Jiujiu!" He heard for the last time until his eyes, even if they were not closed, only shown him void and emptiness.
Quite fiting by being killed by the one you have only thought as a son even if it was his diseased older sister's child.

It was a silly discussion, in the eyes of others at least, but for him it wasn't the moment that Wei Wuxian's cultivation ideas surfaced on the young quartet
Read 121 tweets
Sep 29, 2020
[#xicheng] Lan Xichen woke up again for a new day. Smiling he started to get ready and mentally prepared himself to once again see the boy of his dreams on his home; wishing once again since he meet it the first time to steal kisses, hold his hand in front of everyone and hug him
He once again was going to try today to silently court him.

“Tasting the waters” before he could do the official one.

When walking towards the teaching buildings, to be more specific, the one where Jiang Cheng was going to be, as his uncle assistant; +
He started to listen the bickering voices of the usual trio.

Automatically his face brightened more than usual and started to walk towards the source of the voices but then he quickly stopped on his tracks.

Honey eyes widened in shock.
Read 8 tweets
Sep 26, 2020
#xicheng but in a Longlong Man Au.

LXC is the Longlong man and JC the guy who is “dating” the girl but plottwist, JC is actually not dating anyone and is a single dad of a kid he recently adopted and his nephew. +
When he goes out to the zoo, the mall, etc. an strange hot man with bubble gum starts to make some weird ass stunts with it and a weird background music also sounds (where it comes from, who knows). +
JC is awed, not bcs the guy is hot or because the guy wiggles his eyebrows when he eats that bubble gum, but because “WHERE THE FUCKING MUSIC COME FROM?!” +
Read 4 tweets
Sep 25, 2020
Modern AU of Jiang Cheng and Liu Qingge fake dating.

They just did it because Liu Qingge wanted for girls to stop giving him love letters and Jiang Cheng for him to show that "he can date".
Together they experiment a lot of firsts just for the sake of pretending unknowingly making two guys angry and jealous.

SJ to SY: Ok, what does that brute see in that other brute?!

SY: Didi, don't call JC like that, he is not so bad when you get to know him!

SJ: ... brute.

[LXC crying at his two best friends]

LXC: Is not fair! I have been trying to date A-Cheng for years now!

NMJ: Seriously? Fawning secretly is not a visual way to show someone you like them.

JGY: I hate to agree with him but Da-ge is right

LXC: But I am better looking than him!
Read 10 tweets
Sep 22, 2020
Mermaid (actually a Siren) JC 🐟💜 Image
Please dont ask me why i also did the opening of the cloaca bcs ot even me knows the answer dkfd
For those who don’t know, I am re-doing each one (JC and LXC) individually from this drawing i did months ago lol. With color and everything. Image
Read 5 tweets
Sep 21, 2020
Good morning!!!!

Guess who is going to draw again???? ME HELL YEAHHH, no one will scold me! ✊😭✨

So today i will continue to the dragon lxc i am doing for the bday collab and also go on with the comm!

I hope you guys have an excellent day! Drink water, eat and take breaks!
Also remember! Give Fei love!!!! that is a daily task! 🥺👏
In other news, my grandmother is sick, probably by covid19, but we dont really know.

Her son is an ass so the half siblings of my mother are going to do it.

-please dont say you are sorry, i dont really have a good relationship w/ her; she can be so cruel... :/-
Read 4 tweets

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