✅ Wear N95 mask and change them every 8 hours or earlier if they become soiled.
✅ Self monitor oxygen saturation and temperature daily.
✅ Alert doctor if one develops worsening of symptoms.
✅ Clean frequently touched surfaces like table top, door knobs, bathroom surfaces etc. with 1% sodium hypochlorite solution.
✅ Stay hydrated. Take adequate quantity of fluids as recommended by the doctor.
✅ Discard used masks after disinfecting with 1% sodium hypochlorite solution.
✅ Be ready with clothes and other essentials for the entire prescribed period before starting home care.
✅ Any waste should be separately disposed as infectious waste.
✅ Any caretaker helping the person should also take all required precautions.
✅ Experience difficulty in breathing
✅ Oxygen saturation less than or equal to 94% using fingertip oximeter.
✅ Persistent pain in the chest
✅ Bluish discoloration of lips/face
✅ Other symptoms that one considers serious
If you have queries on home care, do let us know. Doctors in our team can help respond to them.