The #NDDCProbe reminds me of the story.
It was about the bank, ACB which Zik was accused of owning thru a proxy.
According to history, Zik was clearly complicit.
To forestall Mbonu covering things up, Eyo Uyo and his fellow Ibibio/Efiks had done this...
If you don't know what 'mbiam' is, please ask.
The man was a confidently frank man and had nothing to fear...
"The 'mmogho' people have given me something to swear to. If I lie in England, I'm supposed to die", he said.
"Take this antedote. You won't die. If anything happens to you,...
They prevailed on him until he changed his mind.
Also a member of Ogboni (Wikipedia), the man must have felt confident as he spoke at the inquest.
He exonerated Zik and flew home.
To what extent the story is accurate, very few elderly people can say.
But Google it, Ojike Mbonu did die mysteriously and Eyo Uyo did say; 'well, we warned you'.
And the testifier did collapse
And Joi Nunieh had talked about oaths taken and oaths refused.
Is this a reverse Mbonu - Eyo Uyo situation!?