if you've followed me at all, you know this is a dream job: making it easier to use / play / think with #d3js will be a big part of my focus...
i mean, just look at this stuff! observablehq.com/@d3/gallery
I drew this diagram 5 years ago about where I like to focus my energy in the product development process.
@observablehq notebooks basically let me stay in "the fun" all the time...
but the definition of fun is relative!

1) I didn't understand the browser (DOM, JS, CSS etc.)
2) I didn't know how to think with d3: declaratively and data-driven.
Once I got a handle on these 2, the power (and the fun) came out...

just like with d3 there are a ton of examples of this potential out there, and I've gotten a little taste as I've dabbled in it recently...

i'll share more detailed thoughts here: enjalot.substack.com
and stream-of-consciousness here: twitch.tv/enjalot
please DO @ me 😅