My first scooter!
Had just three gears.
Heck, once I went to my Dad saying something is wrong with the scooter. When he asked what was wrong, I told him it just won't go beyond 60km/h!
Next moment I was running at 61km/h with my dad behind me!

There actually was a time when the Ring Road in Delhi would see one car per minute!
You get stuck on ONE red signal on Ring Road in Delhi, you would find all subsequent signals red as well, such was the synchronization!
Of course, there was not a single flyover on that entire road, except the Moolchand one!!
I know the difference between a VCR and a VCP, the functions of a 'tracking' button and the countless other smaller buttons!
Then there was the head cleaning solution as well as a head cleaning tape!

My Mom finally threw away four shoe-boxes full of audio cassettes some 15 years ago.
If not for my age, I would have cried that day!

I still have a 10paisa as well as a 5 paisa coin stashed away somewhere!
The 'new' rounded 10 paisa coins too were quite a novelty when they were introduced!
Premier Padmini - My first car!
My life's ambition in the 90s was to be able to afford a 118NE, while the Contessa Classic was the dream car, way out of my league!
Royal Blue / Blue-Black were the most used shades of ink, with Royal Blue being the preferred one!
Of course, there were the super costly 'Chinese' nib pens - costing upwards of Rs 20!

HMV had the best collection of them all - golden oldies all the way from the 50s. I would buy two new cassettes every single week!
Oh, and the dances one could dance to the tunes of the modem seeking to establish a connection!!