(They send letters every year asking for stuff. Here's 2020's)…
Should council have the power to change the charter in emergencies? That's the ballot issue at hand. Presentation:…
Would require ⅔ majority to amend charter
Would only apply to 19 charter provisions
Would only last 60 days, unless extended by another 2/3 vote, and last no more than the length of emergency
Walker Ranch wildfire (Sept. 16-Sept. 20, 2000)
Colorado wildfires (April 23-Aug. 6, 2002)
Colorado snowstorms (March 17-March 20, 2003)
Overland Fire (Oct. 29 - Oct. 31, 2003)
Hurricane Katrina evacuation (Aug. 29 - Oct. 1, 2005)
Od Stage fire (Jan. 7, 2009)
Four Mile Canyon Fire (Sept. 6 - Sept. 17, 2010)
Storms, flooding, landslides, mudslides (Sept. 11 - Sept. 30, 2013)
Storms, tornadoes, flooding, landslides, mudslides (May 4 - June 16, 2015)
COVID-19 (now)
Carr: I wasn't able to find a list of county emergencies, just state and national list of emergencies that impacted Boulder County.
Friend: Is there any harm in adding county emergencies?
Carr: No
Suspended meetings of boards and commissions, council meetings online... "I would feel much more comfortable if council had the power to fix some of these things."
Carr: It's really only appropriate in emergencies, so I'm not sure suspending that bc of an emergency makes sense.
"He has shown he can not be trusted to do his job ... to follow the state constitution or treat residents fairly."
Perhaps they consulted ANOTHER attorney that caused them to reverse course.
Weaver: I think having a majority of council make that decision makes more sense than a single person.
Council should "take into account all that's going on, in a narrow way with really good guardrails" and make decisions at the time of the emergency.
"As a council, we are slightly more conservative than even our own governor."
That was in response to Swetlik, who also doesn't want to include election-related items.
Also wants to remove election-related powers.
Carr: Council appoints a successor
Brockett: Is there an automatic process for that?
There is a chain of command, says Tanya Ange, deputy city manager
Let's just get rid of that power for mayors.
Carr: Yes. The succession only applies in an emergency; if there's a vacancy, council appoints city manager
And the mayor pro tem takes over if the mayor can't. (That was a Joseph q)
If we had 5,000 ppl not able to eat, I'd want to spend money even from dedicated sources to meet that need, he says.
I think she's talking about budget stuff, as Wallach was.
"I think we're leaving it to future councils to do whatever they want to do."
Joseph: We need the budget to be "malleable" during crises. We have community members in need.
"Unless there's a despot involved, there's really not much advantage to declare a state of emergency."
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