Rex Wilde, who has run for a number of offices over the years, is also onstage. He most recently ran for governor in 2018.
Wendt: Testing needs to be expanded, masks need to be worn, and the state needs a jobs plan.
"We spend some of the most money on healthcare and have some of the worst outcomes," she said. Argues most profits go to insurance companies, and this could help small biz -- they won't lose employees to companies w/ better benefits.
Wilde: "Why don't we have the same healthcare as our senators? Because it's a privilege, not a right." Advocating for socialized medicine.
Debrine: "Nobody should make a profit off of human misery and suffering." Supports M4A.
Ludwig says a progressive has a better shot in Wyoming than a moderate, noting Sanders beat Clinton here in 2016 (note: Biden beat Sanders here this year.) Says they focus on grassroots, not big ads.
Wilde also never taken a donation, but says that a Democrat can "absolutely" win in Wyoming.
Says that people are coming around to that ethic.
"If you want to move the needle on these core issues that are unmovable, send a Wyoming Democrat."
Casner supports science, but says we need to wear masks, follow rules.
Debrine: It's not safe yet.
Ben David: Would take it, even in a trial run.
Ludwig: Also getting vaccine, even with a condition that doesn't allow for some immunizations. But it needs to be accesible.
"What is she, Mary Poppins?"
"For her to claim responsibility for bringing back these businesses is hypocritical."
Ben David wants auto voter registration, avoid gerrymandering, expand vote by mail.
"The best ideas win, it's not about the money. Getting money out of politics is the best way to reform our system today."
Also calls for restored voting rights for the incarcerated.
Not sure what Debrine's answer was. Ben David said the statues should be in museums to teach our "horrific" history of slavery.
"These monuments cause pain. Being excluded from history causes pain." Said we need an authentic telling of our history.
Wilde: "When you forget about history, there's a chance to replace it. Those statues can stay so people can see them. They may not agree, but they know our history."
Debrine starts saying something about his 1/8th Cherokee heritage, but is cut off by bell.
Mitch McConnell... everybody dislikes. Says he is a block to progress, while Ludwig says he has failed to include his colleagues in the process.
"He's a joke," Wilde said.
Wendt: "Big problem, short-sighted, counterproductive."
Ludwig: Says she considers herself a localist and global citizen, said that's counter to both.
Casner: "My national pastime is right here." Said we need to be in the middle, work together.
Debrine: Says he's a humanist and a Christian.
Ben David: Said we need to work globally, and the pandemic shows that. Said the climate crisis is coming, and we need to respond to that.
Ludwig: Get children out of cages, open the borders, create a path to citizenship.
Casner: Says to enforce the laws we have.
Wilde: Said we have a lot of people in America now. "Why don't we take care of our people at home?"
I'll save you some reading: Everybody wants to get rid of it except Wendt, who is not a fan, but likes it as a means to enforce bipartisanship.
Ludwig is also conflicted: won't die on that hill, but is a tool for the minority to have a voice.
Casner: Said nuclear was done in Wyoming and caused cancer. (Short answer: yes.)…
Ludwig supporting the GND, and says climate action is the move we need to make for the econ and have many components which need people to work.
Casner: Not all up to feds, invest in little people.
Debrine: Put people first.
"The market was created to serve us, but now we live to serve the market. It shouldn't be that way."
Casner: We need to see the ugly truths about things like COVID.
Wilde: Said CDC has had problems with the president interfering. Believes in science, but "I'm not gonna take a vaccine."
DeBrine: Believes in vaccines and science. And the bible.
Wendt says science doesn't care about your feelings, basically, that we need to listen to science.
Wilde: "It's mother nature. It needs to be legal. That's all their is to it."
DeBrine: I think (?) he supports it. (Was on the platform, but meandered off.)
Ben David: "It definitely deserves debate on the national level."
Ludwig: "100 percent, we should be legalizing both." (Recreational and medicinal.) Says it's key to opioid crisis, and said she doesn't like seeing Wyoming money going to Colorado.
Wilde: "Don't hide it, light it."
Wendt said he's into the best ideas, not just following one party.
"We need to be electing scientists, let them speak for us, and follow the facts."