Dystopian sci-fi idea: a society where ordinary people can buy powered mechanical exoskeleton that can crush humans at a whim, and are encouraged to identify personally with these vehicles, and to express their manliness through operating them in a risky way
The arms race lead to increasingly larger, more difficult to pilot mechs, which further increases rage and incidental conflict. Soon the entire society is built around these mech pilots that the political system is reshaped for their needs. The landscape itself changed for them.
and then, these mech pilots start to txt while piloting
uncle keith's thread on how to make checkable, updatable spreadsheets when it's getting crazy complicated and all you've got is a spreadsheet and four colanders 1/n (no not a joke)
1. Each sheet should have a clear function - if one sheet is serving many functions, split them out. In particular, for reasons extremely obvious to National right now, put your external input data - things that you expect to change - in their own sheets.
2. Having more than one set of column/rows within a sheet is sadly unavoidable. You're going to have many tables inside a sheet. But make your life easier by making them all the same size. How does this make life easier? Well...
Like I enjoy the irony of the new fiscal hole, obviously, but the whole idea of an alternative budget as an actual budget - rather than glorified spreadsheet fanfic - is ridiculous, doubly so when it's about hitting an arbitrary "surplus" point in this fantasy world.
Like, if the forecast for this *one* thing changed $4b in these last four months, using the latest forecast is no guarantee at all that the forecast is going to be correct. These are arrows with crayons on a paper map, not flight simulators where you gotta land the thing.
At best, lovingly detailed maps with routes hand drawn by the DM
I think the lesson here is: have better spreadsheet workflows and data hygiene, including automated validation. In short, I am the only viable candidate this election vote me to be your supreme spreadsheet wizard.
One of the things that I always do is to split out the lookup cells from the cells that use the lookup to access the data, which makes it easy to do validation - eg. Have a validation cell that look up the label for that column, so you know that column is the column you're...
...expecting. You can also use the same technique to expose sheet references (ie. Instead of having the sheet reference as part of formulas, put it in a text cell so you can eyeball it).