I am an expert in child & adolescent EMERGENCY psychiatry. This is my expert opinion: It's complex, and it is not easy to answer
Education = GOOD
In person schooling in a deadly pandemic
(context link)
- professional teachers
- social experience
- academic standards
- child care
- sports and leisure activities
- chances to expand world
- pathway to good employment
- parental pride / source of support
- bullying
- psychiatric distress and suicide rates increase
- hours of operation not compatible with youth brains
- not safe for everyone
- introduces expectations + "mould-fitting" in diverse kids
- source of in-home conflict (homework, wakeups, marks)
* attendance
* marks + competition
* social expectations
* extracurricular activities
But it DOES MEAN when safety is on the line, school is less important
It's not about the bedtime.
* creative non-school based education
* technical skills learning
* home education
* distance education
* hiking-based education
is INFERIOR to school.
1) don't cite science as supporting "schools reopening is best for kids"
2) recognize that saving lives is likely the most trauma-supported thing we can do for kids
3) be creative in supporting learning
"School doesn't matter right now, we need to focus on safety, security, and the things that will make you healthy"