“It is often forgotten that he who surrounded us with this ever-evolving mystery of creation has also implanted in us the desire to question and understand.”
Not questioning is directly proportional to being ignorant.
“Look fear in the face & it’ll cease to trouble you.”
I don’t think being fearless is being brave, one can be fearful but still face it. He who does this will eventually come out wiser and stronger than ever and this is what really is being brave.
“Keen intelligence is two-edged. It may be used constructively or destructively like a knife, either to cut the boil of ignorance, or to decapitate one’s self.”
Conserve your powers. Be like the capacious ocean, absorbing within all the tributary rivers of the sense.
“Don’t confuse understanding with a larger vocabulary.”
Incorporating large words into your vocabulary to confuse simpletons won’t help you and others; instead if you can explain it in layman terms that means you’ve mastered it.
“Where there is duality by virtue of ignorance, one sees all things as distinct from the self. When everything is seen as the self, then there is not even an atom other than the self’
“One’s values are profoundly changed when he is finally convinced that creation is only a vast motion picture, and that not in it, but beyond it, lies his own reality.”
“Truth is for earnest seekers, not for those of idle curiosity. It’s easy to believe when one sees, there is nothing then to deny. Supersensual truth is deserved and discovered by those who overcome their natural materialistic skepticism.”
“For the faults of the many, judge not the whole. Everything on earth is of mixed character, like a mingling of sand and sand. Be like the wise ant which seizes only the sugar, and leaves the sand untouched.”
“A beggar cannot renounce wealth. If a man laments: ‘My business has failed; my wife has left me; I will renounce all my wealth and enter a monastery,’ to what worldly sacrifice is he referring ? He didn’t renounce wealth and love; they renounced him!”
(a thread)
The high rates of tax on cigarettes provide attractive tax arbitrage opportunities for illicit trade allowing sale of these cigarettes to consumers at prices much lower than those of duty-paid domestic cigarettes.
While the legitimate cigarette industry has declined steadily since 2010-11 at a compound annual rate of over 4% p.a., illegal cigarette volumes in contrast have grown at nearly 5% p.a. during the same period.