Step in the classroom, sit down, and BOOM, panic and anxiety would set in
I'd immediately get up, leave the class and do deep breathing in the hallway
I believed the classroom was causing the panic
So I stopped going...until
I was tired of fearing the classroom..
I was tired of fearing "What will people think if they see me having a panic attack?"..
I was tired of running...
So, I went to class and braced for it
The instinct to escape went into overdrive
I clenched the desk and didn't move. I began sweating. Eyes darting around the room. Mind ruminating over what other people are thinking.
"Do what you want. Get as bad as you want. Cause me to pass out. Let's see how far you will take me. Let's see how bad you can make this. Do your thing, but I'm not running. Let's go."
The anxiety decreased
The panic went away
Everything went back to normal
I left the class feeling great, like I'd just overcome a serious obstacle.
Now, the anxiety didn't go away completely
It showed up again the next class, but so did I
Then I realized what had happened
The panic and anxiety went away because I faced it
I didn't become less afraid, I became braver
I didn't remove the feelings of fear, I added courage
I became an architect of my mind
Deeply analyzing my thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes towards life
Rebuilding it from scratch
Don't focus on removing your fears. Focus on becoming someone that can face them bravely.
The path to freedom.