I’m tired of populism, disinformation and false accusations made to legitimize your beliefs and behaviour.
I’m tired of being lumped in with neoliberals because I am not adopting a purer form of socialism as a cure all for our social and economic woes.
Who orchestrated that by the way?
universal childcare, the Kelowna Accord, the commitment to Kyoto protocol.
I’m speaking of Layton who is revered as a hero by many.
Frankly, I’m tired of that myth’s longevity. But who are we kidding? Layton is a martyr to the far left in Canada.
That’s to whom you’re condescending.
Your party is smearing the Prime Minister to reduce his public approval. Accusing him of corruption, & making copious statements that are not inquiry, but stated as fact.
I’ve known the answer since childhood, but could never understand it fully.
I’ve always had trouble truly understanding the information.
The removal of moderation to achieve a long desired end goal. Power.
I watch news very closely nowadays. Like a hawk. I can’t help but note it was PSAC who lodged the first complaint, on NDP’s behalf.
You can tell the many trolls from the left that I’m well aware they’re trying to attack my credibility as well. Your one of many on twitter and Facebook who have tried in recent days.
I know who I am and I’m confident in my knowledge. I can see crystal clear what’s happening and have almost 3 years of documentation to back it up.
That’s what I’ve researched my entire life in my free time.