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#cdnpoli 2022 The conservative opposition focus on attacking the gov't in office & obstructionism in HoC renders them, political misfits. Their antagonism neutered their ability to work collaboratively & produce results that benefit those whose interests they are elected to serve
#cdnpolitics 2022 Clearly #TeamTrudeau has had our backs during this pandemic. They have been dedicated to keeping Canadians safe and financially viable. Though I did not vote Liberal I am impressed with the diligence and competence of our minority gov't.
#cdnpoli 2022 The CPC agenda is to expand their "big tent" base & they're aiming to swing Canadians in the political center to the right. But PP's flailing attempts to convince us that he's one of us and what he has to say is relevant are a FAIL! He clearly isn't PM material.
Read 17 tweets
#EmergenciesActInquiry #IStandWithTrudeau
Ya gotta listen to this songs folks, it's AWESOME. I am going to send the video the all the Conservatives too lol
Sung to the tune American Pie. This musician is amazing
Bye Bye those who occupy
Brought your chevies and your seni's but the diesel went dry... and it goes on
Read 4 tweets
RANT: Some people tell me I should be calling out the Liberal Government/Trudeau at times. Why? In case you've not noticed, almost all so-called Canadian press support the CPC during every election (and in between them). Why should I do their work for them? ...
Why should I assist Poilievre/CPC in their endless exaggerations, deceptions and outright lies about PM Trudeau when they're at it 24/7. They don't need my help. Why shouldn't I focus on pushing back on such things as 'JustInflation' when we all know inflation is global...
Canada's is far from the worst. Why shouldn't I focus on the lie that 'Trudeau wants to ban fertilizer' when it is such an egregious distortion of the truth of the matter? Why shouldn't I focus on all the positive things the Trudeau Government has done, and there are many? ...
Read 6 tweets
I'm going to run an experiment. I'm not even going to hide it. I'm going to add the hash tags in the article to my profile, attract some bots, and see what I can do with them. This could get interesting. #MeTooā€¦
Step 1 complete. Now, let me explain how amazing #Biden is for steering the world's biggest ship with only half his faculties between naps. #Blue2022.
It begins. That didn't take long. Apparently #nigga is part of the bot swarm vocabulary, too.
Read 6 tweets
"...Cda is resilient n our economy is recovering well from the COVIDā€‘19 recession... Our GDP grew 6.5% in the 4th q, making us the 2nd strongest economy in G7. We have recovered 112% jobs lost because of the pandemic, compared to only 90% in the US".../2
2/... Rebekah Young, dir fiscal n prov economics at Scotiabank...said the danger Freeland faces with budget lies in doing too much rather than too little. Any sort of fiscal stimulus that goes directly to Cdn households tends to be spent quickly, .../3
3/...especially by lower-income households," she said. "That creates more demand for goods and pushes prices up." ...The downside is inflation, which is running at nearly 6%." .../4
Read 7 tweets
There is a while lot more to the #RebelOffensive than weā€™ve seen or heard in media. Obviously this offensive was long in the planning, organizing, recruiting, financing and mobilization. The rebel core wasnā€™t evident at first as it cloaked itself in anti-mandate messages /1
Obviously there was intelligence gathering by authorities prior to the mobilization and occupation but, just as politics interfered w proper application of police and National Guard on Jan6th, some municipalities failed to acknowledge the breadth, depth and weight of the /2
#RebelOffensive then Conservative provincial premiers, following the line of CPC leadership and rank & file, allowed the occupation to grow hoping it would end up around the neck of PM Trudeau. Finally, when public opinion caught up with the size & scope of the offensive 3/
Read 10 tweets
The #ConvoyForFreedom2022 decided to block Marine Atlantic's entrance with their convoy. Keep in mind this does not consist of any semi's. All I could see was the same #antivaxxers who have been covid denier's for the last year in local social media groups. /1

I decided I would drive over to see who was involved and why? @nsgov clearly released an injunction against any blockades or 'slow roll convoys'. Why would these guys just blatantly ignore that? So I put my 'trigger' mask on and headed down after a 20 min drive. /2

Some "Freedom Fighters" decided to walk up in support at the bridge. When I asked what they are supporting I was told "freedom for our children". I replied with "your children look pretty free to me". The person quickly turned and walked away. /3

#GoHomeFluTruxKlan #GoHomeConvoy ImageImage
Read 16 tweets
We visited the UK for a month in 2016, left a wk before Brexit vote. Seismic, unexpected societal change happened so fast, the world was spinning. Same shock with Trump's win. The opp to tap into & exploit a country's vulnerable moments. #Ottawa feels the same. Who's funding it?
The similarities are chilling. The point of all 3 is destabilization, the UK/US impact now at 6 yrs. Which is why, among many other reasons, #IStandWithTrudeau. There is no negotiating here, hauling massive amounts of fuel and building sheds = disaster waiting to happen. #cdnpoli
My neophyte MP, with very little political knowlege/diplomacy skills @mferreriptbokaw must examine her allegiance, plunged into the heady, sparkle of power, a manipulative circle around her. Reflect on the damage she will do here in #Ptbo by this burst of negative opportunity.
Read 5 tweets
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it". Towards neither forgetting nor repeating January 2022. Lego scene showing a hooded...
"Toronto police advise hospital workers not to wear scrubs to work this weekend ahead of planned anti-vaccine trucker protest in downtown"
Lego scene showing heath-ca...
Meanwhile, Ottawa's Mayor and Police Chief for the past week, dealing with the "trucker" protest, er occupation, in the nation's capital city. Image
Read 22 tweets
šŸ§µDespite anguish over the electionā€™s timing and notwithstanding all its nastiness, the practical reality is that this campaign has brought the parties and issues into sharp focus and presented Canadians with real choices:
@erinotoole: flip flops on everything, trying to figure out where the most votes are
@theJagmeetSingh: hasnā€™t thought things through, blames the Prime Minister for everything but claims credit for all the good the Prime Minister has done
@JustinTrudeau: keeps calm*, carries on
with world-beating COVID record and recovery plan, best climate plan, best child-care plan, best housing plan, only student debt support plan, unequivocal reproductive rights position, heart always in the right place, etc etc
#Elxn44 #cdnpoli
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#Elxn44 #canpoli
With Justin Trudeau,
thousands of people crossed the border illegally,
This system is unfair to the families who follow
the rules and waiting for their turn.

I propose a welcoming country, but respecting its borders.
All immigrants can install in Quebec,
Canada, to work, to study, or to found a family.

But legally and respectful of the laws of the country they want to integrate. Final point!

To protect our borders and end the illegal crossings,
A Conservative government will apply the Safe Third Country Agreement.
Then, in terms of the reunification of families and the integration of immigrants, a Conservative government will work with Quebec to give it more power and autonomy in immigration.

In concrete terms, we will give Quebec more powers to choose who comes to settle here.
Read 5 tweets
Some dark clouds have gathered over the past couple of weeks.
@erinotoole and the Conservatives want to take šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦Canada backwards.
Backwards on climate change.
Backwards on womenā€™s rights.
Backwards on COVID recovery.
Backwards on childcare.
Backwards on reproductive rights.
Backwards on universal public health care.
Backwards on gun control.
Backwards on student debt.
Backwards on housing.
But as the late, great Leonard Cohen said,
There is a crack, a crack, in everything.
Thatā€™s how the light gets in.
So letā€™s not go backwards on the past 6 years of imperfect but significant progress.
Letā€™s vote šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦Liberal.
#IStandWithTrudeau #Elxn44 #cdnpoli
Read 3 tweets
@SusanDelacourt makes some good points, But lets be clear, it's way past time we talked about this.
The media barely covered the 'Friendly Sausage Maker' who broke into Rideau Hall. He's now a footnote in the hate business column. 1/
#cdnpoli #Elxn44
The day before Canada Day 2020, Erin O'Toole released this mocking video of the Prime Minister.
Priming the troops for the Canada Day protest ? 2/ #cdnpoli
On Canada 2020 day we saw a protest on Parliament Hill and O'Toole tweeted about 'cancel culture' and the Maple Leaf flag. 3/
Read 11 tweets
14 Reasons Erin O'Toole Conservatives (Harper Redux top to bottom) are BAD for Canada;

1. Contempt for Canada
Found guilty found to be in contempt of Canada's parliament, first time in the history of any commonwealth government that this happened. #Elxn44

#cdnpoli #Elxn44
2. Cheated in the 2006, 2008, 2011 elections
In & Out fraud 2006, followed by campaign overspending fraud, robo-call fraud; in 2011 federal court found willful violation of the $18 million election campaign spending limit which originally brought them to power in 2006. #Elxn44
3. Turned Canada's Surplus into Debt
In 1993 Conservatives chalked up a $38 Billion deficit. By 2006 @liberal_party had turned it around into a $16 Billion surplus. Four years later Conservatives returned Canada to a record $56 Billion deficit. #Elxn44
Read 14 tweets

Hinshaw then pivots to school covid policy. No longer are masks mandatory. Theyā€™re optional. Major urban school boards have since begun to consider imposing their own mask mandate.

But itā€™s expected rural regionsā€™ schools will choose an alternative path.
Itā€™s a danger to all Albertans, since itā€™s rural communities are mostly unvaccinated. Calgary and Edmonton are vaccinated at much higher rates than rural centres.
Hinshaw made another dog whistle/coded language nod to Dominionists. The majority of Dominionists live in rural Alberta. Calgary has the most in an urban environment, Edmonton lags behind, but church planting is changing that fast.

This nod to Dominionists is significant.
Read 26 tweets
Itā€™s annoying how conservatives continue to be given the benefit of the doubt concerning the veracity and integrity of their false accusations.

A couple hours is all it takes journalists. Thatā€™s it.
Christine Donoghue is credited with sending out the controversial HR memo to the public service.

Donoghueā€™s husband is Lawrence Cannon, a Harper MP, Minister of Transport & Minister of Foreign Affairs, and the Ambassador to the French Republic, 2012-2017.ā€¦
Cannonā€™s oldest son from a previous marriage was spokesperson for Trans-Canada Energy East Pipeline.

Lawrence Cannon was Harperā€™s Quebec lieutenant. Loyal to the party and the leader.

Well rewarded with an appointment to France. His wife & kids accompanied him for 2 years.
Read 23 tweets
There will be naysayers that mention the job is incomplete. But thousands of FN have safe fresh water because of the Liberal government. More have been completed than remain to be done.

Thatā€™s progress. Yes. Itā€™s taken five years. But thatā€™s how bad the problem was.
Ten years of mismanagement by Conservatives. Several more by Martin and ChrƩtien Liberals and Mulroney Progressive Conservatives.

35 years of mismanagement and inferior equipment for difficult circumstances.

As if that could be solved overnight or within months.
Conservatives would have let FN and MĆ©tis communities continue to struggle.

NDP have no concept of how long 35 years of negligence takes to resolve.

Cruelty or fantasy.

Solved by practicality of hard work, targeted effort and long term maintenance.
Read 7 tweets
Quick thread here where as National Citizens Coalition President, Stephen Harper (who is idolized by Erin O'Toole) in 1994 speech to American Republicans explains to us all what Canadian Conservative Reform Partyism really is, and I QUOTE..
'you (American audience) are probably more knowledgeable about Canada than most Canadians.' (denigrates Canadians)

'Canada is a Northern European welfare state in the worst sense of the term, and very proud of it ' (denigrates Canadian Parliamentary democracy) ..

'don't feel bad for unemployed. They don't feel bad as long as they're receiving generous social assistance and unemployment insurance.' (kicks the unemployed in the head)

''the Senate not very important in our political system' (Denise Batshit Bananas Batters; 'nuff said)
Read 23 tweets
17 Wing (Winnipeg) is home to the Canadian headquarters of the North American Aerospace Defense Command(NORAD). The United States Air Force has been stationed in Winnipeg/17 Wing over the last several months, raising some concerns. NORAD also received a new commander in July2020.
Why this is interesting. The mission of the Canadian NORAD Region (CANR) is to provide aerospace surveillance, identification, control and warning for the defense of Canada and North America.
CANR executes a variety of tasks to defend Canadian airspace, including identifying and tracking all aircraft entering Canadian airspace, exercising operational command/control of all air defense forces in CANR and operations in support of other government departments/ agencies.
Read 17 tweets
This is an ALEC sponsored policy. (American Legislative Exchange Council). ALEC is Koch Industries among other corporate interests. CPC & Fraser Institute are members though SPN (State Policy Network). These policies are US Tea Party policies.ā€¦
ALEC Tea Party policies are the entire reason US states are almost powerless to address COVid appropriately at the moment.

These laws have been adopted in the US at the state level, though pressure to adopt them federally was huge during Obama administration.
Basically States who have this policy promise not to deficit budget. So any changes or emergencies that arise mean cuts to existing programs.

This is why states cannot purchase enough PPR for healthcare staff, because it means cutting other programs to pay for it.
Read 11 tweets
This article needs some context. Good thing Iā€™m prepared to offer some.ā€¦

Iā€™m stunned by the hubris and ignorance of this opinion piece.

Is there a more poignant example of Eastern Canadian tunnel vision and belief in Canadian exceptionalism?
Since 1935, Alberta has lived under the rule of one party government. Social Credit were Nazi sympathizers and autocrats. A dead giveaway, their 36 year one government rule. Followed by 44 years of PC rule in Alberta.
Read 20 tweets
This article is the bombšŸ’£šŸ§ØšŸ’£

If you want an excellent overview of global politics, the players, the plays and goals, the problems we face and where economic and social progress post COVid is pointing, read this article.ā€¦
Some is good news. Neoliberalism has been summarily debunked as inadequate. Austerity is not what is needed. Privatization and free markets are a disaster. Image
Some is not so good news. The rise of authoritarianism and government controlled capitalism that exacerbates inequality, like China and Russia, are on the rise.

This reveals Canadian conservatives and GOP Republicans are moving in this direction.
Read 25 tweets
OMG. Modern "conservatism" is like a giant Krakken, with tentacles reaching into every aspect of our lives. #cdnpoli #IStandWithTrudeau #BetterOffWithRachel #WhoElectedTheseCouncilorsAnyway #Thread This is going to be a long and disturbing thread. Get comfy.
At the federal level we have unprecedented dirty tricks from the CPC, trying to topple the Liberal government with continuous made-up scandals...ā€¦
At the provincial level, here in Alberta, and in other conservative-led provinces, the provincial government is pushing through policies that are aimed at generating profit for their friends rather than for the public good... For-profit healthcare, education, no protests...
Read 30 tweets
Dear Dr. Berman,

Iā€™m tired of populism, disinformation and false accusations made to legitimize your beliefs and behaviour.

Iā€™m tired of being lumped in with neoliberals because I am not adopting a purer form of socialism as a cure all for our social and economic woes.
Iā€™m tired of demagoguery that has polluted the political environment so bad that truth is barely distinguishable. But some of us retain the skills to continue to filter the abundance of chaff from the little wheat that gets lost in the piles of BS offered as news.
Iā€™m tired of leaders whose main goal is to gain power, not to help people who are coping through COVid. And certainly not to address the damage done to Canada and our social democracy over the 10 years Harper retained control of power.

Who orchestrated that by the way?
Read 30 tweets

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