A few people have been asking me to do a thread on my thinking behind captaincy so here goes. There isn't an exact science or theory behind it because i'm very instinctive (and lucky) but i fancy a ramble because i already miss writing. Read on
0-9 pts: 14 GWS (Random 5, City 5, Salah 3, Martial 1)
10-19 pts: 11 GWS (Random 4, City 4, Salah 3)
20+ pts: 13 GWS (Salah 4, City 6, Martial 3)
I have never captained KdB.

So we were talking about eye-test and general assumptions in my head. I'll just state a couple of examples because i don't want to make this too long. Why Martial when no one was doing it? The clearest memory of mine is..
PS thanks for the question @FPLarrows