Let's not delude ourselves about who owns who here.
Unfortunately he uses it to prosecute some bizarre culture war about content on platforms. Dear lord.

Yes, you can go weeks without seeing an ad on Google.com, right? Right?
"The FTC didn't say we had to do that."
"Well we never have before."
Yeah, that doesn't hold water. Developers have to be where their customers are. If Apple raised the fee to 50%, developers would absolutely have to pay it.
"We have a long history of working with law enforcement when supported by law and due process."
Zuck is not.
$5 says @jeffbezos is having conflicts between WebEx and his beloved Amazon Chime.
It's striking how *SMART* Google is, yet how little savvy they demonstrate.
She's a fucking congressperson and still felt the social need to apologize. None of her whiteguy peers have done so. Witness white supremacy in action.
She's done her freaking homework.
His point is complete bullshit and the way he asked it belied a complete lack of understanding, but it's kinda funny watching Sundar fail to answer effectively.
Oh my god, I've got a very vague idea of how G-Suite spam filtering works, and I can't even begin to picture how I'd explain it to a layperson.