The hardest thing for #hospitality now is to get the balance right.
Yeah, sure, we want people to come out and spend money.
But we want them to do it safely, so we don't end up in a local or regional lockdown - with zero / little Govt support.
**The rules aren't there to stop your punters having fun.**
The rules are there to keep them safe, keep you safe, and protect your business in the medium- to long-term.
No, fogging your bar doesn't mean you're "Covid free for 28 days!".
No, you can't promise to "keep customers safe".
Selling a false sense of security is harmful; not just for you, but for venues around you too.
Review your risk assessment OFTEN. What has worked? What hasn't?
What can you do differently? What else can you try?
It's not easy. It's bloody difficult.
But your business - and the businesses around you - might well depend on how successfully you manage to meet this challenge.