Welcome to #ResearchFriday where we highlight how we’re constantly improving the #ShakeAlert System whether it’s about Earth science, technology, alert delivery, or even how people and automated systems interact with alerts.
This week, it’s some social science! This study brought together many experts to figure out how to improve communication with people after a #ShakeAlert Message is issued and an alert is delivered to your phone or other wireless device.
This study includes contributions from emergency managers, earth scientists, science educators, and social scientists who developed the terminology and typology for Post-Alert messaging. @Cal_OES@PNSN1@Caltech@UW@waEMD@evanschool
For a successful #EEW system to reduce injuries, 3 things should be considered: 1) the people who are alerted and the building types they occupy, 2) demographic variables such as gender, age, as well as quake experience & 3) types of quakes and performance of the EEW system.
The #ShakeAlert team analyzed earthquake injuries and deaths, focusing on quakes from the 1970s to now. Several studies from CA (Loma Prieta & Northridge) and WA (Nisqually) showed that people who move during shaking are twice as likely to be injured than those who don’t. @fema
A shaky afternoon in Southern California. Hope everyone is safe. Did you feel the M4.9 #earthquake near Westmorland at 5:31 pm PT? The #ShakeAlert system issued a message and passed it along to our delivery partners. If you received a message, share a screenshot with us!
If you are inside the MMI 4 (light shaking) polygon you might have gotten more than one alert. That's good since we want you to get alerts through every pathway possible. The WEA the message reads: "Earthquake Detected! Drop, Cover, Hold On. Protect Yourself. -USGS ShakeAlert"
Did you know that it is National Postdoc Appreciation Week #NPAW? For #ResearchFriday, we are focusing on the great work of our early career researchers! Currently we have four @USGS postdocs working to improve the #ShakeAlert system. Let the shout-outs begin! @USGS_Quakes
Dr. Noha Farghal has a Ph.D. in geophysics from @Stanford. Noha is working on incorporating fiber-optic sensors into the #ShakeAlert system. Check out her recent paper: The Potential of Using Dynamic Strains in Earthquake Early Warning Applications pubs.geoscienceworld.org/ssa/srl/articl…
.@UCLA Bruin Dr. Grace Parker studies ground shaking and works on models to better estimate ground motion in SoCal for #ShakeAlert & best practices for using @PEER_Center NGA-Subduction ground motion models for Cascadia in EEW algorithms.@UCLACivil@Garrickinstitut#PDAW2020
A shaky Friday evening in Southern California. Hope everyone is safe. Did you feel the M4.6 #earthquake about 2 miles west of El Monte just before 11:39 pm PT? The #ShakeAlert system issued a message and passed it along to our delivery partners. More info: earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/ev…
Let us know if you got an alert and share screen shots if you want. At this magnitude apps that are Powered by #ShakeAlert can deliver alerts to people who could feel MMI III (weak shaking) or greater. Check out how big the MMI III+ region is on this map. @Cal_OES
Check out the #ShakeAlert post-alert summary at: earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/ev…. The first ShakeAlert Message was issued by @USGS 4.5s after the quake started. The quake was about 11 miles deep and it took about 3s for the first waves to reach the surface where they could be detected.
Hi everyone, it’s #ResearchFriday! On top of having 60+ physical scientists on #ShakeAlert we have a team of 30+ social scientists who study human interaction with ShakeAlert. Meet the Social Science Working Group (SSWG). Here’s our class picture from 2020!
Why is social science important? Apart from sensors in the field, data processing centers, and alert delivery by our partners, people directly interact with #ShakeAlert. Anything that can improve that interaction, which often happens quickly, is critical to keeping people safe.
So what does the SSWG do? They work on research projects that are critical to improving #ShakeAlert…for you. That means everything from messaging to graphics to what channels to use to how groups use ShakeAlert is studied by SSWG.
Happy #ResearchFriday! How does #ShakeAlert work and how do our 60+ partners use it to keep people safe? Here's the latest creation from @IRIS_EPO and the ShakeAlert Education & Outreach team - a new video to explain a pretty complex system. Please share!
Even #ShakeAlert animations are based on research. What went into making this new resource? Every detail counts and geologist Jenda Johnson spent hours getting everything just right. Just to animate Drop, Cover, and Hold On took 100+ individual frames! @ECA@waShakeOut@ShakeOut
Then there’s the work of pulling a team together to develop the story, get the facts right, and manage the review process. #ShakeAlert team member and seismologist Dr. Danielle Sumy led a team of over 10 people who weighed in on all aspects of this project.