Term “airborne” appears to be quite divisive. I’ve reached out to scientists on both sides of debate, asked for reasons why they think we should do one or the other. Many thoughtful responses, this thread summarizes it
"Arg+" and "Arg -" mean arguments in favor and against using “airborne”
“Resp” are my responses to some arguments.
Resp: this is a hard one. Maybe, although does not seem the case to me. Need focus group research? I think a physical description, some good videos, visual materials, would communicate fine. As someone in epid. put it:
Resp: True. But serious cacophony of terms and recs in last 5 months. Unfortunately have a lot of time left w/ pandemic. Other words used too, no reason to stick w/ airborne bc past use
Resp: used to like it, used “opportunistic airb.”. But I am told that reasons (e-g) not lessened enough
Resp: legitimate debate about exactly which PPE is needed to prevent SARS-CoV-2. Aerosol & related scientists have a lot to...
Thanks a lot if you made it to here!