What was Trump saying, how has his rhetoric changed and how does this relate to Biden?
T+P = Trump and Putin
- Trump tweets hopes Putin "will become my new best friend"
- Ignoring everything else we NOW know about T+P's relationship prior to 2013 - knowing a president would add gravitas to Trumps business world.
- However, it starts the theme of sucking up.
Trump in Larry King interview talking about Putin's NYT Op'ed:
- He praises Putin for being a strong leader and is happy Russia "has taken over Syria".
- He swoons over Putin for "outsmarting our country" (The USA).
See Putin's Op'ed here: nytimes.com/2013/09/12/opi…
MSNBC interview (clip: 2016, interview: 2013)
- Trump reports he "has a relationship with Putin"
- He swoons once again for Putin
- For some reason he mentions that Putin "would be very interested in what we're saying today".
QL's question: why would Putin be interested?
Conservative conference:
- He praises and swoons about a "present"
- He says his "Putin is toying with Obama"
- He thinks Putin is smart for annexing Crimea because it's "got all the money".
- Annexing Crimea is what got Russia kicked out of G8
- He says the rest of "Ukraine will fall too"
QL: Getting flashbacks to the "perfect phone call" where Trump asks "do us a favour" by withholding aid from Ukraine for dirt on Biden. Trump certainly knew what he was doing during that phone call in 2019
National Press Club:
- Adores Putin for his "high approval ratings"
- He says Putin "outsmarted the US" again.
- He talks about a big curse - "if China and Russia Unify"
- He praises China for buying his apartments
QL: He's wanting it to be US-RUS rather than RUS-China
National Press Club cont:
- Trump "I've got more oligarchs living in my buildings..."
QL: Keep this oligarch comment in mind and contrast this oligarch response to one in a later clip. Also with his business interests he's hiding now.
Now he is a bumbling fool.
National Press Club cont:
- The question: What would Trump do to negotiate with Putin?
- He basically says Putin thinks the US is weak and doesn't respect the US/Obama.
- He swoons once again "he couldn't have been nicer" during miss universe 2013.
Trump's last press conference before the election:
- Thinks P would prefer Trump > Clinton
- T hopes P likes him if elected
- He says P called Obama the "N-Word
- T says "he has nothing to do with Russia?"
- T says "no oligarch investments in Trump organisation"
- T says "nothing to do w/ P other than that he will respect" T
- About the hacks: its probably not RUS "If its Russia its bad for a different reason...shows how little respect they have...but it would be interesting to see"
- Just look back on these debates with what we know now and what we know Clinton knew. Biden now knows everything (and as VP he probably knew too)
- Also look at their contrasting faces!
- Intelligence committee had just come out with information that RUS was helping Trump get elected.
- "Adversary is working so hard to influence the election"
- "Trump should release his tax returns so we can see his entanglements" w/ RUS
Trump responds:
- "Shes blaming the lie on...honest Abraham Lincoln" ( I don't know what he's referencing Lincoln for)
- "I don't know Putin"
- "I know nothing about Russia...no deals...no loans"
- "As soon as...audits done...I WILL RELEASE MY TAX RETURNS"!!!
- Reflect on everything we now know including the pre-2013 and what we've seen from Trump regarding RUS over the last 4 years. The switch from knowing him very well to not knowing at all. Everything Trump has done in the last 4 years has to aid Russia's goals.
- (1st of Aug 2020) I created this 2 min clip contrasting reality (post 2016 Trump) vs Kayleigh McEnany's press con (31st of July 2020).
- It's not all-encompassing but gives a good overview of what Trump has done to further Putin's agenda over the last 4 yrs.