As I travelled through Iraq and Syria, I saw with my own eyes the result of this ISIS terror.
Engraved in my memory is the eight yr old Yazidi girl who had been enslaved by ISIS since she was five. 😢
رأيت بأم عيني ما فعله ارهاب داعش بالأيزيديين أثناء تواجدي في العراق وسوريا.
محفورة في ذاكرتي قصة الفتاة الأيزيدية البالغة من العمر 8 سنوات التي استعبدها
داعش منذ كانت في الخامسة.
Back then I posted this long thread in English about what ISIS women told me about slavery, Yazdis etc.
I think it's useful to read this thread today - 6 yrs after Yazidi genocide.…
I'm working on a tv documentary on Yazidis, out later this year.