To start, lets look at EXACTLY what they say as how they argue here is VERY important.
They don't say 2+2=4 is FALSE. They don't say 2+2 always equals 5. What they say is:
A. 2+2 can sometimes equal 5, And
B. That 2+2 doesn't always equal 4.
Please read that again carefully
Please notice the woke are NOT arguing that 2+2 always equals 5, nor do they argue that 2+2 never equals 4.
The woke think there is no universally correct answer to 2+2 that is objectively true in all situations.
They aren't FALSIFYING 2+2=4, they are DECONSTRUCTING it.
How does deconstruction work?
Deconstruction works by attacking at the level of MEANING. This means that words, ideas, concepts, discourses, art, texts, symbols; whatever is used to MEAN something or communicate gets deconstructed.
Thus deconstruction "destabilizes meaning."
Woke people think racism, sexism, and bigotry are baked into the language and concepts we use. Since we think and communicate with language, if the language we use is inherently racist and sexist then our communication, and the ideas we communicate will be racist and sexist...
This "I don't care about truth" view is common in social justice circles. For example, Kevin Bird @itsbirdemic (who mocked @conceptualjames and his followers for pushing back at people saying 2+2=5) admits here that he doesn't care about what the truth is when he does science
Let's tie it all together now:
1. The woke attack the meaning of ideas via deconstruction to dissolve them
2. They think racism/ white supremacy is built into every area of western civilization
3. They are not concerned with truth.
So it should be no surprise that:
So this is where we are.
So what to do?
1. Push back with clarity. Know your stuff, don't get flustered.
2. Go to school board meetings and just say "no." SJW's show up, you have to as well
3. Learn and educate people.
And finally, you have to speak up.
The time of fear is over, the time has come to boldly call this out in the clear understanding that we are looking for truth. We will not be cowed by accusations of racism, nor will we be brought to heel by social shaming. Call it out, truth is on your side.