1⃣Learn How to Perform Ocular Ultrasound
2⃣Recognize Retinal Detachment, PVD, ⬆️ ICP, + MORE!
3⃣Free Ocular Ultrasound PDF Pocket Card!
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Place the probe lightly on the gel covering the patient’s eye with the probe indicator pointed towards the patient’s right to obtain a transverse view.

•Anterior Chamber
•Vitreous Body
•Optic Nerve
•*Make sure to tilt/fan through the entire eye

Next, turn the probe 90° clockwise so the indicator points superiorly towards the patient’s head to obtain a sagittal view. Identify the same structures you found in the transverse view.

Evaluate for extraocular movements. This is important when patients have severe periorbital edema from facial trauma.
Measure 3 mm (.3cm) posterior to where the optic nerve sheath attaches to the retina. This is the location where you will use to measure your optic nerve sheath diameter.

Download the Ocular Ultrasound Pathology PDF Pocket Card here for Reference.

Rhegmatogenous, Traction, and Exudative.











