Record high for CO eviction filings: 2007
Unemployment rate at that time: 3.6%
They've kinda gone up and down.
Again, statewide.
2015: 1,035
2016: 1,048
2017: 1,118
2018: 1,238
2019: 1,223
2020 (thru July): 282
109 of the calls that resulted in housing assistance were in Boulder
Rent Forgiveness: 138 households, $140,943
Rental Assistance (from outside BHP): 514 households, $458,813
EFAA Keep Families Housed: 741 COB households
EFAA Shelter and Basic Needs: 960 COB households
(65% increase from January – June 2019)
SPAN: Emergency shelter to 95 adult survivors, 36 children
I previously did contract work for EFAA
• Food Security = $1.7M
• Direct Health Services = $1.7M
• Wellness, Health Care Access Services = $1.1M
• Economic Mobility and Inclusivity = $600K
Additional Funding Invested COVID-19 Response = $930,000
She look tired AF.
Armstrong: The judges are extremely supportive. Whenever a tenant shows up in court, they encourage if not require that the parties step out into the hall to mediate.
Armstrong: Typically they are not represented by attorneys. The mediators are well trained. We offer an info packet with some terms to help to orient them and navigate the process.
Arango: Short answer is no. I will say that myself and everyone on the campaign has seen the mediators doing really good work for the hundreds of eviction cases we recorded
Arango: No
That started 6 weeks ago.
Brautigam: "We have not moved forward with it and that's where it is."
No one remembers.
Friend: OK then I'm bringing it up again.
Brockett: Good point
But Brockett wanted to add in rental assistance to legal representation. The campaign agreed.
That's what this whole thing depends on: NEWR won't withdraw if council makes too many changes. But they will if council ONLY adds in rental relief.
"I'm not suggesting you do it, but that's a possibility," Carr says.
Arango: If the amended ordinance JUST includes rental assistance as the only change, then yes.
Arango: It would make a considerable difference. Funding would be reduced by 8%.
Arango: The purpose of the NEWR program would be to provide legal counsel to tenants and hopefully rental assistance.
Arango: We chose a fee bc we didn't want to make it a tax bc of TABOR. I don't think that' a surprise to anyone here. TABOR introduces all sorts of restrictions.
Arango: It's full scope, the entirety of eviction proceedings, which carries through to the court hearing. It's possible they could go through to appeal
Wallach: Who makes that determination? What if they want to keep appealing?
Arango: That would go back to the legal services coordinator and the tenants committee.
To Firnhaber: Is there a shortage of funding for mediation? Do you think it should be included in this?
$216,000 per year would be on affordable rentals, enough to create about 3 affordable units per year
Arango: There's absolutely no reason why tenant attorneys wouldn't participate in mediation.
Yates: So it sounds like it would be significantly less than the $1.8M-$2M that would be collected?
Carr: I'm not running the program, but I'd guess so.
Arango: We're here tonight bc of our interest and offer to council with the amended measure that does include rental assistance. That's what we're interested in.
Yates: So if Ruy is right and demand outstrips supply, we'd just stop funding that, right?
Arango: I don't believe that's part of the definition of eviction proceedings.
Yeah, kind of like we do today, huh?
A PROGRAM THAT DOESN'T EVEN EXIST YET SO... why do these ppl care? If they really were worried about eviction representation, wouldn't they have done something already?
Citizens: *Do something*
Council: No, not like that
Yeah, like maybe in the past year+ they spent developing and working with everywhere else THAT HAS ALREADY DONE THIS?
Yes, he also said a tax was "more defensible" but he DID say a fee was defensible.