New paper in top journal…
& new online tool:
I *hope* it will get better w/ time because it is so misleading now it should be taken down immediately.
Quick thread
Fatality or IFR ( )
Fraction asymptomatic (symptom recall is hard though)
Variation among groups w/ differential access to health care (…).
In general I'm a huge fan.

(Note: even this study has deficiencies
Nope! It includes press reports & extends results to whole country!!!!
I cannot believe that this is an online tool & that it was published in Lancet ID.
The idea (compiling seroprevalence estimates globally) is great. The execution is horrendous & very misleading.
Please immediately disable the online Tool.
Then remove all records from the database that are press reports. You clearly cannot verify the details of these "studies". One early press report claimed seroprev in Chelsea Boston was 33%. A later follow up found it <10%.
Project PIs please help!
@RahulAroraAB @TingtingYan_