Surely you have seen the new Live Link Face App. You need a character with a set of blendshapes that match with the 51 produced by ARKit.
What happens when you don't have as many blendshapes, or with different poses.
But in THIS CASE the 1rt problem is how to recognize what "Blend Shape" should move my few morph targets?
There is a plugin: Live Link Curve DebugUI, you can use it to view the curves and values
In some cases, expression-based morph targets separate eyes, brows, and mouth. This is not the case, so focus on the curves of the mouth and the blink
But we can create an LiveLinkRemap and overwrite a function called GetRemappedCurveName to translate the names of the blend shapes to those used by your character.
Yes, I know, this has limited expressions, but achieving it with 7 MT is a challenge. Try to bring your mesh closer to the existing 51.
You will need to remap 3 curves associated with the head from ARKit but our character no longer has Morph Targets available (there were only 7).
Solution in next tweet
Then replace the curve name in the Anim blueprint, and Done!