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Aug 6, 2020 61 tweets 12 min read Read on X
A #kacchakothread post.

You guys asked for it

I’m finally going to start it.

Prompt: ☄️ Bakugo to the Future
a sequel to my 💫Glimpse into the Future thread.

Thank you for your patience with me 🥺💕 I’ve decided to write as I go so updates will be irregular!

NOTE: if you have not done so already, I highly suggest reading my Glimpse into the Future kacchako thread before reading this one.

...Something was wrong with Ochako.

Maybe ‘wrong’ wasn’t the right way to put it, but she was acting really fucking strange since she came back to the dorms last month and decided to start using his damn given name without his consent!
The fact she was using it didn’t bother him as much as not knowing the ‘why’ did. She always called him ‘Bakugou-kun.’ Why was he suddenly /Katsuki/?!

He couldn’t figure it out, which left one explanation that made his stomach curdle.

It was a joke. It had to be.
He’d bet anything that Mina or Denki put her up to it to annoy him. Probably offered her a life time of Mochi in exchange for her getting him a little ruffled up whenever they crossed paths. He hated to admit it, but it was working.

“Is it me or is Mina is acting weird lately?”
Katsuki lifted his eyes out of the textbook he had been glaring holes into to direct it toward the red head beside him. “She’s always fucking weird,” he reminded.

Honestly, he hadn’t really been paying attention. He had his own confounding problems.

“Yeah, but more than usual.”
Rolling his eyes, Katsuki looked back to his homework. He didn’t have time to dissect one girl’s strange behavior, let alone two.

“I don’t know.”

He barely touched his pencil to the liked paper when Ochako’s voice cut through the common room.


Didn’t she like that nerd?

Katsuki turned to find her beaming at him from the kitchen. “What?” He grunted back at her.

“It’s our night to cook dinner!”

‘Our’ meant ‘his’ because Ochako could hardly boil water unsupervised.

He glanced at the clock to see it was already five.
“Yeah, whatever,” he sighed, throwing his book shut with his homework tucked inside. “Don’t fucking look at my answers.”

“I wasn’t!!” Kirishima pouted, looking away offendedly.

Katsuki stalked toward the kitchen, eyeing Ochako suspiciously as he passed her to get to the fridge.
“What are we making?”

Red eyes skimmed the open packages along the shelves and ingredients available to them.

The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end as hot breath fanned out over the exposed nape. “Hmm, I was thinking maybe we could make some Oyakodon?”
He nearly bit his tongue off when her chest pressed against his back and her arm grazed his shoulder to point. “We have plenty of eggs...”

He could clearly see that. There was no need for her to be this close. He probably knew more of the ingredients than she did.
“Sure, whatever. Go make the rice,” he spat, nudging her out of the way as he grabbed the eggs out and straightened up. He quickly walked toward the counter and put some space between them as he turned on the stove and gathered the rest of the ingredients.
Typically when they cooked together the experience was easy going. Katsuki yelled at her for messing shit up, Ochako laughed and ruffled her hair with that carefree spirit. She normally watched him with awe, but tonight there was something else sparked in those molten brown hues.
Whatever the fuck it was, it confused him almost as much as it scared him. He didn’t understand what it meant.

She was closer than normal, constantly brushing his arm or touching his back to let him know she was there. His stomach was flipping itself into knots.
The final straw was when she lifted her finger to his lips asking him to ‘try some sauce’ to see if she mixed it right. He choked.

“I don’t need to fuckin try it! If you poison everyone it ain’t gonna be me dying first.”

Then he spun on his heel to announce dinner was ready.
What the fuck?

Her pout wouldn’t leave his head as he stalked back over to his spot by the sofas, only to find Eijirou and Denki leaned over his open text book.

“Oi!” He barked, thankful for the distraction to cool the redness from his cheeks. “I said no fuckin copying!”
There’s no super easy way to do this. Apparently my Glimpse of the future thread “broke” or at least the parts got a bit jumbled. It’s what I get for posting a 12k thread pfft.

The full work is on my AO3!
After scolding two knuckleheads, he made sure they grabbed a table as far away from Ochako and prying ears as possible. Katsuki mashed his bowl of rice and vegetables, mixing in the gooey egg on top.

"Something is wrong with Cheeks," he stated quietly. Both boys looked at her.
"She looks fine to me?" Eijirou commented, shoving a scoop of rice into his mouth.

Fine? What part of her sitting at her usual table with the Nerd-brigade, laughing about something that Deku just said...

Okay, so maybe that was completely normal,
but the way she was acting in the kitchen was not!

Katsuki glared down at the bowl in front of him, plucking out a carrot to pop in his mouth. How did he explain that Ochako just tried shoving her finger in his mouth while making dinner? Or the fluttery eyes she gave him?
"She's trying to distract me..."

Eijirou and Denki blinked at him cluelessly.

It was the only explanation. "Yeah...She thinks she can mess with my head, and get me to back off Deku. Tch!" Katsuki ripped a piece of chicken with is teeth. "That's gotta be it."

"Dude, no."
"Wait," Denki licked the sauce off the end of his chopstick. "Are you talking about how she keeps flirting with you in class?"

Katsuki's nose wrinkled as his lip curled. "Excuse you?" He sneered as if Denki has muttered a nasty word.

Flirting? How dare he suggest such a thing.
"You know, for such a smart guy, you really don't know anything about girls."

Katsuki pushed his bowl out of the way, hand sparking. "Oi-I'll fucking make you eat those words-"

Denki smirked, leaning across the table, looking as if he were privy to some secret intel.
"Flirting," Denki repeated, wiggling his brows. Katsuki wanted to rip them off his face. "She want's your attention."

"Why?" Katsuki demanded.

Denki threw his hands into the air smugly. "I don't know. Can't be you killer personality or devilish good looks or she'd be after me."
Kirishima snorted. "She turned you down on day one, man." he reminded him.

Denki deflated, before getting back on track. "Anyway..."

"Whats wrong with my personality? I look fucking better than you, Dunce Face." Katsuki spat defensively.

"Anyway," Denki reiterated.
"For whatever unknown reason, Uraraka likes you. I mean, I can totally see why Ashido has been going after Kirishima," Denki rambled, "but you are an enigma, du-"

"Ashido likes me?" Kirishima pointed to himself, jaw hanging open and finger aimed toward his own chest.
"Uh, yeah." Denki furrowed his brow, scrutinizing Eijirou. "Seriously? I expected this from Bakugou, but not you." Denki admitted.

"But...why?" Eijirou asked. "Why are they coming on so strong all of a sudden?"

Katsuki was confused. Was Mina in on the joke, too?
We're they on the same side to try and get under their skin?

Denki shrugged. "That, I don't know, Bro. I heard them talking about some weird fortune teller a while back though before I noticed all this," he waggled a finger between them.

Katsuki frowned. "Don't be stupid."
He crossed his arms, leaning back in his chair on the back two pegs, though internally he was trying to string together the newfound information.

A fortune teller?

What was Ochako doing there and did it have something to do with the way she was acting now?

It had to be bogus.
"Lets go check it out!!"

Apparently, they were all about to go do something stupid.
This gawd awful purple wall paper with twinkly little stars on it really wasn’t selling. Katsuki scrunched his nose distastefully, imagining the way his mother would snub the cheesy, antique decor with her modern taste. He was pretty sure that was tinsel stuffed in a corner.
“...Each session is approximately half an hour.”

Katsuki tuned back into the explanation given by the middle aged psychic. Her black hair was pulled up in a low bun and a warm smile plastered on her face. Her voice was low and soothing, as if trying not to wake a sleeping child.
So, thirty minutes of his day was going to be lost to this crone. An hour and a half, if he counted waiting around for these two clowns to get their futures read too.


His eyes wandered over to an advertisement plastered on the wall and scowled at its slogan;
‘Stop in and take a glimpse into your future!’

Yeah right. She probably had a quirk like Sir Nighteye that allowed her foresight. Maybe she projected it into some stupid crystal ball or got all Professor Trelawney on them and spoke in tongues.

A skeptic? Him?

Fucking duh!
But if it helped explain why Ochako was acting so weird around him then so he it. He would bite and see what the big deal was about.

“My quirk lasts exactly twenty four minutes. Each minute is an hour in the future...”

Oh, fuck. He had to listen to her preach the whole time?
“Who would like to go first?”

Katsuki already knew the answer to that.

He shoved Denki forward. “This moron. That way you can see this is a total waste of time and we can go.”

“Hey!” Denki gave him a look over his shoulder. “Okay, first off, I’m totally up for going first, but
don’t pretend like you weren’t curious about this as well!”

Katsuki would absolutely pretend exactly that and conveyed such through a murderous glare and snarl that was all canines.

“And that’s my que to go find out what my future holds. Gents-“ he winked, saluting them as he
walked into the back room. “When I come back, I’ll be a wiser man.”

The door closed and Katsuki threw himself down into a worn couch that practically swallowed him. “Doubtful.”

“Don’t be such a downer, man!” Eijirou sat on the couch beside him. “Maybe it will actually be cool!”
Katsuki didn’t think so. Any minute now, Denki would come through those doors and tell them all aboht how she read his fortune in some tarot cards and waved her hands around a crystal ball.

Except he didn’t.

“Holy crap...” Denki stumbled in thirty minutes later.
“That was amazing! You guys have to get your futures read. It was so cool! I’ve never seen anything like it.”

Eijirou and Katsuki enchanted glances. “What did she do?” Eijirou asked.

“I can’t say. It’s hard to explain. You just have to do it,” Denki presses.

“Well, okay.”
Eijirou stepped up to the plate. “Guess I’ll go next. I’ll tell you how it is, bro.”

Katsuki crossed his arms, his glare being redirected to hard wood at Eijirou’s back disappearing into the room.

It couldn’t be that great. Denki was just and idiot so it seemed that way to him.
Eijirou would give him the truth.

The truth came in the form of the Red head grabbing him by the shoulders and pulling him off the couch. “Dude. It’s going to explain everything, I promise.”

Katsuki stared, dumbfounded for several seconds before brushing Eijirou off.

Katsuki shoved his way toward the room. “Fine. I’ll see this shit for myself.” It had better give him answers.

The door slammed shut behind Katsuki as he stomped over to the table and sat down roughly before the psychic.

“Well, he growled. Let’s see my future.”

Katsuki peeked his eyes open with a thick moan. It felt like a thick cloud had settled over his brain and he blinked several times to clear the haze.

A bedroom came into focus, placing him between four salmon colored walls that he scrunched his nose at.

Where was he?
He didn’t recognize any of the decor, but noted that has a bit of a feminine touch. The duvet was definitely not a pattern he would have picked out and there was a bra hanging over the back of a chair—that definitely wasn’t his, no mater what Denki said about his PECKS, not tits.
Okay, so what the fuck?

Wasn’t he just at some psychic’s shop? Was this is future? Girly blankets and pink walls?

He threw the swirly printed covers back and stood, feeling strangely foreign in his own body. The first thing he noticed was that he was taller. Bulkier.
His hands, he analyzed, were huge and had even thicker callouses than before. He was also wearing nothing except a black pair of boxer briefs that sat low on his hips, showing off a light blonde patch of hair and hugged his thick thighs.
Crossing the room to a standing mirror, Katsuki took a long moment to admire his adult body. He really put a lot of work into his traps and deltoids. His broad shoulders tapered into a ‘v’ at his waist. He counted eight cuts in his abdomen and shifted to see the curve of his ass.
Yeah. He smirked. He was fucking hot. Kudos to him; his workout regiment really paid off. Whatever babe he was seeing really hit the jackpot with him.

He hadn’t given it much thought yet. Was this actually his room? Was he seeing someone? A girlfriend? One night stand?
No way he was married. Not with his pro hero career on the line. Katsuki supposed he would be somewhat open to maybe dating. He supposed. Maybe. If it were the right person.

His smirk fell as the door creaked open and a woman poked her head in.
“Katsuki! Are you checking yourself out right now?” She exclaimed with some odd mixture of mirth and scolding.

He abruptly twisted away from the mirror. “What’s it to ya?” he snapped before catching sight of blushing pink framed by strands of brown peeking from behind the door.
“Cheeks?!” He gapped. His eyes fell from her face, taking in the rest of her body and landing on her belly. His brain shut down and blurted out the first thing that came to mind without going through the filter first.

“What are you doing here...and why are you fat??”

Not fat. Pregnant.

With his baby.

Katsuki rinsed his freshly shaven face with warm water as he processed this newfound information. His mind was reeling with questions ranging from HOW and WHY, but it was clear he couldn’t ask without sounding like a fucking moron.
That, and Ochako was already pissed at him.

He had seen Ochako in battle ready mode before. Had seen her put it all on the line, give it her best with a face full of determination and promise to kick ass. If he was honest, he somewhat admired her intensity and drive.
While some of their classmates were off put by her battle-ready mode, Katsuki never was. She never scared him.

The look she gave him the moment those stupid words rolled off his tongue made him wish he could swallow them right back up. She was down right terrifying.
He keeps his trap shut as her knuckles whitened against her grip on the door frame and her lips tightened into a thin line, her hair gravitating without use of her quirk; or maybe it was a new aspect of it?

Katsuki apparently didn’t know enough about older, very pregnant Ochako.
“You had better put your ass back in bed and wake up again if that’s how you think you get to talk to your wife!”

Katsuki rinsed his mouth with mouthwash, recalling her scolding words. Ochako never swore, and when did she get such an authoritative voice?
Some weird part of his brain found it hot, but the wiser part told him now was not the time to get turned on.

“Now hurry up and get ready! Our appointment is in an hour!”

Katsuki had no idea what appointment she was talking about.

“Honestly!” She slammed the door furiously.

When on earth did he get married??

Why the hell did he get married??

Katsuki lifted his head, looking at his reflection in the mirror. He didn’t look all that old. The baby fat had been trimmed from his jaw, leaving it a little thinner. He didn’t have any wrinkles.

• • •

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More from @italian_lily

Sep 28, 2022
I am super excited to share my @kacchakobigbang piece with you all! I had the lovely honor of working with both artists @Larabeedrawin and @2DKeepsMeSane, and my helpful beta @BitchyBunny123!

Thank you to the mods for putting this together!

⬇️Checkout my fic: Brimstone Heart⬇️

Also please see below for the accompanying artwork links…!
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Sep 23, 2022
🌹 🌹 🌹

On their first date, Katsuki gave Ochako a rose. It was a simple, red flower with velvety petals and a sweet aroma that made her shoulders curl up to her ears as she held it against her chest.

A year after they had been going steady, Katsuki surprised her with two.
The following year, the number grew to three, then four, and five.

Eventually, 6 roses sat on the table in a faux crystal vase because Ochako would kill him if he ever spent the extra money on a real one that was just going to sit under the counter for another year.
Seven the following year, and Ochako admired the way they bloomed full beneath the suns rays trickling between her kitchen blinds.

Eight. Wow. Her heart felt as full as the blooms in her arms as she counted each stem she placed into the vase.
Read 44 tweets
Apr 13, 2022
“Want to share a Quickie?”

Cw: sexual implications, misunderstandings, short drabbles where I think I’m funny

“Mina! I need you to cover for me!” Ochako called in a favor in the middle of her patrol.

She knew it was irresponsible and irrational, but she just got a text from Katsuki asking her to meet for a quickie.

During work hours.
Mr. ‘no fraternizing at the work place EVER’ was breaking his code and Ochako could not miss the opportunity to finally tear into that fitted black spandex top that tormented her every time her boyfriend so much as flexed — which was a lot!
Read 15 tweets
Sep 18, 2020
Stole this from @crystymre ! It seems like a fun way to spend my lunch break today 🥰 Image
1️⃣This is tough because I love so many! I would have to say my top three are FWB, soulmates/arranged marriage, and forbidden love. 🧐
2️⃣Tropes I don’t love... 🤔 probably Yondere, perfect matches, and...fuck this is hard 🤣...harem?
Read 15 tweets
Aug 29, 2020
PSA: please check your interest rates and how it’s being applied to your college loans. I just recently was taken advantage of by Discover🙃 my new job helped me realize what was happening and got my into a program where I’ll now all my loans paid off in 3 years instead of never.
Make sure they aren’t treating your interest like a CREDIT CARD. I guarantee you that’s exactly what happened to these girls here. Rather than “refinancing” my bank was OUTRAGED when i explained my situation and they transferred my personal student loan into a private loan with —
FIXED END TERMS. If you do not have fixed end terms THEY ARE TAKING ADVANTAGE OF YOU. Check your loan programs. The interest should be applied throughout the life of the loan, not reassessed every fucking month on your $100,000 debt. You’ll never realistically pay it off.
Read 4 tweets
Jul 28, 2020
A short Drabble for my upcoming #BNHA #Secondgen stripper AU.

⚠️CW: Implied Sex, prostitution, emotional confusion, and soft as fuck cuddles⚠️

Pairing: YoshiMeiji (Kacchako & Kirimina kids

Considered putting this on my NSFW, but it’s not that graphic? 🤷🏻‍♀️

Author notes below.
✏️The main story has not been published yet! WIP
✏️This scene may or may not be included in the final work.
✏️Bakugou is an ex-stripper that owns his own stripclub now. Yoshiki is a manager there.
✏️Kirishima knocked Mina up and Mina ran. Meiji & Kirishima do not know each other
✏️Mina was in an accident that put her in the hospital when Meiji started college.
✏️In order to secretly pay the bills, hospital, and her college, Meiji turned to stripping and salacious acts for money.
✏️Yoshiki is a manager at his father’s stripclub where Meiji works.
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