They think objectivity is impossible because:
1.They think our biases pervade everything, and these biases are the product of dominant ideologies having control over the thinking of society: we're programmed by society to believe things and we can't even see it's happening.
Put those together and you get a worldview that believes that knowledge, being a cultural product produced and used by elites in society, always encodes the values of the people that produced it. They think the ideology of the person who comes up with an idea is always...
If you have to re-read that its ok. It's tricky. Once you see how it works it's easy: The woke think everyone's hopelessly biased, and everyone's trying to bend the rules for truth production in their favor so they can get power and be in charge of what others think.
So what do people who think like that do? Well they do stuff like this....
@traependergrast got extremely upset about the paper and angrily tweeted about it to her 14k followers. She complained that Dr. Wang (agreeing with a Supreme Court decision) wanted to end affirmative action. But she did something else too
@SharonneHayes picked up on @traependergrast tweet and decided to spread the lie around and told her colleagues to "rise up" against the paper. This is SHOCKINGLY bad behaviour. I'll explain:
Tricia Pendergrast, who originally attacked the paper IS NOT A DOCTOR, She's a med student, and less then 2 hours after Tricia tweeted @SharonneHayes ayes asked her colleagues to go on the attack. Why is that horrible? Because the paper is 34 pages long with 108 references...
So there is an 0% chance that @SharonneHayes had a chance to read that paper and check the references for accuracy before asking her colleagues to attack. There is no way she could do a proper academic job that quickly.
Dr. Hayes works at @MayoClinic she HAD to know better
@DrNasrien (Nasrien Ibriham) tried to join the pile on by saying Dr. Wang had "Mansplained" to her. But she messed up because her proof is a picture THAT DID NOT INCLUDE ANY TWEETS FROM DR. WANG. It's just a picture of her own tweets replying to Dr. Wang and 7 others...
@DrNasrien is a doctor, how does she not know how evidence works?
This is unreal. 3 people make accusations: 1 is clearly lying, 1 obviously did not read the paper, and 1 provided her own tweets as evidence of what someone else said.
but it gets dumber...
However, neither of these women capitalized the b in black either! Stunning hypocrisy.
Also, how are you doctors and you're to dumb to realize WE CAN SEE YOUR TWEETS
That's a lie! Dr. Wang cited 108 sources, Almost all are academic sources. (pics 3 and 4)
Dr. Wang never claims there's no Structural racism. "Leniency" refers to admissions standards in regard to test score requirements
So there is about a 0% chance that this paper was reviewed again fully before retraction...this was a political decision to satisfy an online mob.
It's a blot on Dr. Wang record. However, notice the announcement said the author doesn't agree to the retraction...
Typically if a mistake in a paper is found and the paper needs to be retracted the author will agree to the retraction. This saves face and often is reputation helping.
Dr. Wang would not agree to the retraction.
Good for him. He's standing his ground. As he should.
Honestly, I have no idea if he is correct. He might be wrong... more thing:
He lost his position at the Heart and Vascular Institute at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. He had been director of its electrophysiology fellowship program.
Lastly, I haven't tagged him yet but I will now
Hey @norman_c_wang
don't you dare hang your head, cause you did nothing wrong. I have your back, and....
If I have my way...the cavalry is coming.
Be respectful. We need to say something, but let's not give anyone a reason to accuse us of bullying. Let's take care, be kind, and argue persuasively and carefully to whomever we speak to.
No threats, No vulgarity.
thanks guys :)
She has no right to be upset. She attacked Dr. Wang with no proof. Besides even if her accusation were true, it would have no effect on the content of Dr. Wang's paper.
They LOVE to bully and gossip....but they do NOT like to be exposed.