Flint and clay-ironstone resharpening flakes, Ash Tree Cave, Derbyshire.
Even tiny objects show #Neanderthals moving around their land.
These two artefacts were waste from tool edge maintenance (scrapers or bifaces), but don't match anything in the cave.

We can't know if they were directly connected, but #Neanderthals were using the caves at Creswell & Ash Tree differently.

Flint however is trickier; there are occasional glacial cobbles of northern-type flint, but southern-type flint – which the scraper looks like – was probably brought into the region by #Neanderthals.
Vast 'lithoteques' (stone libraries) have been built up in France to do this, but not yet for Britain.
For my postdoc I worked on a silcrete quarry for a French project, where the lithoteque has 100s of flint sources just in SE Fr ! 5/5