This thread lists down few of the key issues of this proposal and links to further readings.
#WithdrawDraftEIA2020 #IndiaNotForSale
The notification proposes to allow projects that are operating illegally without environmental clearance to be turned into legal units by paying the prescribed penalty.
This will cause irreparable damage.
#WithdrawDraftEIA2020 #IndiaNotForSale
The notification proposes that the following are to be exempted from any assessment
> any project that Govt categorises as strategic
> Construction projects upto 1.5L sq. m.
> Hydropower projects upto 25 MW
#WithdrawDraftEIA2020 #IndiaNotForSale
There is no mention of Adivasis whose livelihoods will be devastated due to the state's ambitious "development" projects. The notification is incomplete without laying out the provisions for compensation.
#WithdrawDraftEIA2020 #IndiaNotForSale
The notification proposes that the EIA consultant be contracted by the Project Proponent at its cost and terms. This will result in a glaring conflict of interest.
#WithdrawDraftEIA2020 #IndiaNotForSale
Currently, the industries are required to submit compliance reports twice a year. The notification proposes this to be reduced to once a year thereby relaxing the check.
#WithdrawDraftEIA2020 #IndiaNotForSale
→ Inadequate time for public consultation: the notification proposes to reduce the current 30 days to 20 days
→ Violations can be reported only by the govt or project proponent, not by citizens.
#WithdrawDraftEIA2020 #IndiaNotForSale
The notification was only published in Hindi & English. The Delhi High Court ordered for translated copies of the draft in other scheduled languages which has not been done yet.
#WithdrawDraftEIA2020 #IndiaNotForSale
In a shocking move, the govt took down websites of three national environmental advocacy groups that launched criticised the notification and launched campaigns.
#WithdrawDraftEIA2020 #IndiaNotForSale…
How many more before we resist?
#WithdrawDraftEIA2020 #IndiaNotForSale
#WithdrawDraftEIA2020 #IndiaNotForSale…
#WithdrawDraftEIA2020 #IndiaNotForSale…
#WithdrawDraftEIA2020 #IndiaNotForSale…
#WithdrawDraftEIA2020 #IndiaNotForSale…
#WithdrawDraftEIA2020 #IndiaNotForSale
If you haven't, please go to the below link and click "Save EIA". The draft email is available for your review.
#IndiaNotForSale #WithdrawEIA2020…