When your spirited preschooler demands candy for breakfast, your response teaches them how to behave. And their response teaches you how to behave.
These are power dynamics. Parents and children teach each other who has power and how to wield it.
We do not obey dictators who seek to put people at risk. We demand changes to address the risks.
It’s our duty, obligation and responsibility to protect the health and safety of our children from a deadly pandemic.
Some citizens see UCP ignoring the public because little has changed. Many are adopting hopelessness and disengaging from the political environment.
Obedience is not an option. People’s lives are at stake. The majority of them are our children’s lives.
We owe our children protection. We must demand their lives be paramount.
We dissent until they change the policy, or we teach our children their lives are less important than our material comforts or avoiding conflict at all costs, including the cost to children’s lives.