Last epoch saw the price overshoot @PLanB’s S2F value of $6,250 by 2 standard deviations to hit $20,000.
This epoch’s S2FX value is $288,000. 2 standard deviations above it gives us $864,000. And we're just getting started.
$20,000 - previous ATH
$47,619 - $1 Trillion dollar market cap
$100,000 - Bitcoin becomes impossible to ignore
$380,000 - matches gold’s market cap

By the time bitcoin hits $1,000,000, it won’t be worth what it used to.
The Fed can’t raise interest rates, so @neelkashkari will see his dreams of Infinite Kash come true.
Global unrest caused by central banking is in the early stages of an unstoppable crescendo. Protecting wealth and peacefully protesting by withdrawing from the legacy system will increase.
See you at $1,000,000

Banks can custody bitcoin, PTJ has entered the chat, Avanti, Fidelity, TD Ameritrade, JP Morgan. They know that if you can’t beat’em, join’em.
By the time bitcoin hits $1,000,000, it won’t be worth what it used to.
The Fed can’t raise interest rates, so @neelkashkari will see his dreams of Infinite Kash come true.
Global unrest caused by central banking is in the early stages of an unstoppable crescendo. Protecting wealth and peacefully protesting by withdrawing from the legacy system will increase.
See you at $1,000,000