I know most of you follow me for R reasons, but I'd appreciate if you'd bear with me for a different kind of thread.
(It'll have a little bit of statistics, at least.)
It's almost exactly halfway between LA and San Jose, along the coast.
The town has about 50,000 people, not counting the 20,000 students at Cal Poly.
1. @Oprah once called SLO "the happiest city in America"
2. It regularly cracks the top tier for lists of the least affordable cities in the U.S.
Worth noting: San Luis is also 85% white, and only 0.6% Black.
Despite the many wonderful things about SLO, it can be a hard place to live if you're not wealthy.
And it can be a REALLY hard place to live if you're not white.
It wasn't the @CalPoly students, most of whom were gone from SLO for coronavirus reasons.
It wasn't the young working professionals like myself.
It was the local Black youth.
Despite the police using tear gas on a small crowd in my poor sleepy town, for months the protests have remained nonviolent.
She did not resist.
SLO District Attorney @DanDow and the @slopdchief Deanna Cantrell have commented in support of these charges.
Tianna faces up to 15 years in prison.

In @Oprah's Happiest Town in America, #BlacklivesStillMatter.
Please help us show up for Tianna, the way she has been showing up for us.

Support Race Matters SLO: racemattersslo.org
Please reply to this tweet if you know other good ways to help!