HEADLINE: "Yeah. I know. Had a really long vacation, but at least the numbers stayed flat - or got better - and things ain't lookin too shabby today either"
8/10: 185 COVID+ patients
8/3: 209
7/27 (last day I worked): 250

Schools are set to start up again. Many will not immediately move to in-classroom teaching.
But this is really good news.
Was feeling a little pessimistic three weeks ago. Not anymore.
(*Of course, we ain't out of this thing BTW)
While this corresponds nicely with statewide mask mandate, I am left to wonder if it alone is the reason for the news?
Positivity has gone DOWN again.We were hovering around 5% for awhile. Why is that?
What impact will schools have on this moving forward?
The models presented by the state a few weeks ago are now 100% antiquated.
We are on a different course.
As vigorously as we report the bad news, we must continue to champion the good days and the good news
We are FAR from this being over, but in the two weeks since I last worked, things have gotten better. And I'll take that.
Have a good week yall!
I think this is pretty much cementing the idea that wearing a mask when indoors and in public is a no-brainer.
Sure, maybe this good news is all coincidental, but wearing a mask ain't gonna kill you. And right now it appears as if it might actually be working