Have you thought about what your goals are for next season? Winning FPL is a dream for most of us, but it can feel a little far-fetched...
#FPL #FPLCommunity #FPLPsychology

The more successful you become, the more opportunity comes to you. And as soon as you start to fail, people move away from you.
To break down a goal for FPL points I will run a simple calculation for you that focuses on reaching a top 10k finish.
Let's assume all the chips combined are worth 40 immediate points, we'll deduct that number and see that we needed 61 points in all the other gameweeks where we don't use chips.
2320/38 = 61
"Score on average 61 pts every GW for the first 4 respectively 9 GWs"
- 244 points after GW4
- 549 points after GW9
Assuming a chip hasn't been used
@DhillonAjit @FPL_Batman @FPLBrain @FplStrategy @aritravo_auddy @FPL_SOS @Reuser5 @FPL_InHindsight @allaboutfpl @FPLkramer @FPL_Grillen @FPLfrasier @FPLAkash @FPLMMAVERICK