
As casual voters who newly...
...enrolled in VBM begin receiving ballots for all types of elections large and small throughout the years to follow, their habits of voting will grow stronger. Just having the ballot appear without needing to ask for it will boost participation.
Imagine all the extra Dem...
...votes piling up for otherwise “sleepy” or quiet special elections and runoffs. School Board. City Council. You name it. Suddenly, more Democrats than ever will cast ballots in these local races helping Democrats win.
As Dem voting strength is shown again and again...
...in Republican areas, prospective Democratic candidates and donors will take notice and see paths to victory where they might not have thought possible.
Recruiting quality Dems to run will become easier. Moving the needle into the blue side will happen faster.
You can...
...tell your friends to Text JOIN to (484) 275-2229 with the immediate goal of turning Florida blue in November. But, enrolling these Dems in VBM will see dividends for years to follow.
It all starts with one postcard.
Get in on the fun by emailing Join@TonyTheDemocrat.org