I might need someone like @COsweda who I’m betting knows FAR FAR more about the history of the middle east’s abortive attempts at peace to fact check me on this, but I think I figured out the strategy Kushner went with.
If you want successful peace talks in the Middle East...
Leave out the Palestinians.
Yes. Yes they are. And it has been foolish to assume that they would ever switch from being part of the problem to part of the solution.
They are controlled and ruled by fascistic fanatics and hardliners.
Think what you will of Israelis, it doesn’t prticularly matter; any foreign policy will be warped by a group like this.
Meanwhile, Israel is surrounded by countries it cannot have meaningful commerce or communication with, reliant on supporting nations one election away from hating Israel.
Change the objectives.
Don’t try to achieve peace. Change the situation until a mutually desirable peace is the only option left for everyone.
They NEED to establish commerce with their neighbors so they can fully take advantage of it.
So, the big Kushner peace plan? Change the negotiating partners away from Palestine to the rest of the Middle East.
Yes they do.
They also have all the facilities to refine the oil, already built to handle that capacity. And the shipping infrastructure to export it worldwide.
And they would love to export someone else’s oil.
And if Israel is about to have an oil boom economically, everyone with an ounce of sense wants to be in on it.
Iran’s days are numbered.
They’re about to all go bankrupt.
They’ve been hemmoraghing staff on both sides of the atlantic, and using the kung flu as a scapegoat. Those jobs aren’t coming back for the media.
Stop trying to negotiate with Israel and Palestine.
Just cut the idiots out, the Israeli settler fanatics (and those people are fucking stupid imho) and the Palestinain hardliners, and make peace with everyone else.