I'd like to take a moment to talk about the death of Cannon Hinnant
He's the 5 yr old from Wilson, NC, murdered by neighbor 8/9
You might have seen his name trending here on Twitter. #CannonHinnant
Maybe you wondered why it hasn't gotten more coverage. I wondered too

Should we be giving the story more attention? Possibly
But then again, in the last month, by my count, Cannon is one of at least 22 children under the age of 7 to be fatally shot.
I'd guess you know nothing of them
a 4-year-old and 6-year old (Princeton Washington) died after accidental shootings, according to local news reports.
On July 16, Osiris Grey Rodriguez Herrada, 3, shot after accident in CO
The next day (July 21) Zymeiia Stevens, 2, was shot accidentally by her mother in Milwaukee, according to police
The next day, a 5-year old dies while playing with a gun in Saginaw, Michigan.
(I don't have either name)
We at 9News didn't cover either case. Maybe we should have.
That's 21 kids shot and killed in last month... in addition to Cannon Hinnant.
More than half died accidentally.
I'm going to guess you know next to nothing about any of those kids.
Thanks to gunviolencearchive.org for the information.
I would say we in the press must do a better job of covering violence in this country.
But when you accuse us of ignoring one, aren't you doing the same by ignoring the others I have listed here?
Just something to consider.