They try to come back, masked in a sweeter form
Because you don't know about the dance...👇
Yes, the dance
An important social principle you want to understand when dealing with toxicity
The dance is the back & forth stage AFTER cutting ties with someone
But in the real world, when we cut ties with someone, that's when the game begins
They fell victim to the swinging motion of the toxic Individual
-im a changed person now
-i didn't know what I did was bad
-i have problems, please help
-my friends made me
-it was a one time error
Blah blah blah
Nah, I'm not saying that
The points can be valid
And when we FULLY don't know something, we are plunged into uncertainty
'Hm...maybe I'm being to harsh' you say.
And with this statement, you have officially accepted the dance.
The person has come back in a sweeter form
Wow, magical
So bravo for winning the bet & capitalizing on your uncertainty
Most do
That's when the fake sweetness has melted & you are now back to where you started
And unfortunately, your bet on the uncertainty didn't play out as expected...
Sorry bud
We need to feel doubt before we move with conviction
We need to be wrong many times to be right once
We need to feel foolish to feel wise
Happens to the best of us
In all forms of interactions with humans
Social judgment is built via pain alone
There were a LOT of moments that built up to it
For more social skills insights, follow @ArmaniTalks 🌍🚀